Action permissions

The following SA Action permissions are pertinent to Application Deployment.

Action permissions are granted to user groups by the SA system administrator using the Administration screen in the SA client. For more information, see the SA Administer section.

Managed servers and groups permissions

If you need to create or modify Application Deployment targets, you must have the ability to view and manage servers and device groups:

Application deployment access permissions

The following permissions determine whether you can access the Application Deployment UI and what you can do within it:

  • Access Application Deployment enables you to launch Application Deployment. If you do not have this permission, the Application Deployment menu item will not appear on the Tools menu, and you cannot log in to Application Deployment using a web browser.
  • Create Applications enables you to create applications in the Application Deployment user interface. Each application also has its own View/Edit/Deploy permissions (see Application permissions).
  • Additional permissions are required to deploy applications into specific environments (see Environment permissions and Device group permissions).
  • Manage Application Deployment enables you to access the Administration screen in the Application Deployment UI. It also enables you to create and modify any application, target, or environment.

Package permissions

You must have Manage Package (Read) permission to add reference a software package in an application component or attach it to a tier.

Policy permissions

You must have Manage Software Policy (Read) permission to reference a software package in an application component or attach it to a tier.

Manage application configuration permissions

You must have Manage Application Configurations (Read) permission in order to reference an application configuration in a component.

Server pool permissions

If you want to provision servers at deployment time by using an Build Plans, you must have Server Pool permission.