How to test the new CTI method

The following are example steps to test the new CTI method using Microsoft Word and Chrome. In this example, a new interaction will be created and the action of the Back button on the interaction detail page is executed.

Tip To learn more about the new CTI method, see How the new CTI method works and How to use the new CTI method.

  1. Open your web tier telephony URL in Chrome. For example:

  2. Log in to the web tier client.
  3. Open Microsoft Word on your system.
  4. Open the macro editor from Word. For example, press ALT + F11 to open it.
  5. Copy and paste the script above to the editor and update the parameters. For details, see Configure the CTI application.

  6. In the macro editor, place your cursor in the ReceiveInteraction sub function area, and click Run > Run Sub/UserForm.

  7. An interaction is automatically created.

  8. Call Service Manager with a System Event type (ButtonTransferCallFromCTI) to execute a Back action. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Add the following sub function to the VBA script in Word:

      Sub ButtonTransferCallFromCTI()
          params = """Transact"",""3"""
          Call SendSystemEvent(params, "chrome")
      End Sub

      The following figure shows that the ButtonTransferCallFromCTI sub function is added.

    2. Run the ButtonTransferCallFromCTI sub function.
    3. A confirmation dialog opens, asking if you want to leave the interaction without creating it. This is the same dialog that would appear if you click the Back button in a new Interaction record.