Installation steps of Service Manager Service Portal single instance

The installation and setup process comprises the following steps.


The installation script will install Service Manager Service Portal in the following directory: /opt/hp. You cannot specify another installation directory.

Installation script options

The following table describes the optional command options that you can use when running the installation script.

Option Description
--check-only Only checks the status of prerequisites without installing Service Manager Service Portal
--enable-chat Enables chat
--enable-survey Enables survey

Step 1: Create an installation user account

In this step, a user is created for the installation of Service Manager Service Portal. This user needs sudo permissions to perform the installation.


We recommend that you do not use “propel” as the new user name because the installer will automatically create a “propel” user for internal use during the installation. If a “propel” user already exists, Service Manager Service Portal will use it directly and therefore problems will occur if the manually created “propel” user is removed after installation.

  1. Log in to the Service Manager Service Portal host as root.

  2. Run the following commands to add a user:

    # useradd <username>
    # passwd <username >


    Replace <username> and <password> with your own user name and password.

  3. Grant the user sudo permissions.

    1. Run the following command on the Service Manager Service Portal host:

      # visudo
    2. Update the content as follows (update the secure_path parameter and add one line for the new user):

      Defaults    secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
      ## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
      root    ALL=(ALL)       ALL
      <username>  ALL=(ALL)      ALL


      Replace <username> with your own user name.

Step 2: Install Service Manager Service Portal

Perform the following steps to install Service Manager Service Portal.

  1. Log in to the Service Manager Service Portal host with the user you created in Step 1.

  2. Copy the file to the host and unzip it to a temporary directory.


    A free space of at least 10 GB is required. See Meet the system requirements.

  3. Go to the directory where you unzipped the installation package.

  4. Run the following command:

    # cd ServicePortal_Installer
  5. Run the pre-check script to check if the prerequisites are installed:

    # sudo ./ (or # sudo ./ --check-only)


    The Service Manager Service Portal installer will also check the prerequisites during installation.

  6. Run the installer:

    # sudo ./
  7. Wait until the installation is complete. A “Done” message will be displayed.

  8. Enable Chat, Survey, and LW-SSO:

    1. Run the following command:

      # vim conf/smsp.config
    2. Configure the following parameters in the smsp.config file:

      chat_url=https://<Apache server host for Chat>/chatui/#/
      service_manager_url=http://<Service Manager host>:<port>
      lwsso_init_string=Init string must be replaced for producti0n


      Replace the lwsso_init_string value with your own.

    3. Run the following commands to enable Chat, Survey, and LW-SSO:

      # cd bin
      # sudo ./ --enable-survey --enable-chat
      # propel stop
      # propel start
  9. Log in to Service Manager Service Portal to verify the installation, using the following URLs and credentials:

    • Service Manager Service Portal Administrator:

      https://<Service Manager Service Portal host FQDN>:9000/org/Provider

      Use "admin" as the user and "propel" as the password.

    • Organization Administrator:

      https://<Service Manager Service Portal host FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER

      Use "orgadmin" as the user and "propel" as the password.

    • Consumer:

      https://<Service Manager Service Portal host FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER

      Use "consumer" as the user and "propel" as the password.

Installation log

A log file named setup_{timestamp}.log will be created in the same directory as the installation script.