Servlet parameters

The following table lists the startup parameters you can set from the Service Manager server's operating system command prompt or from the Service Manager initialization file (sm.ini).

These parameters determine how a Service Manager server manages client connections.

Servlet Parameter Description
Parameter: appthreadspersession Gives a site some control over the amount of server memory that a user can consume by limiting the number of application tabs that can be opened through the client
Parameter: asyncrefreshlbinterval Determines the interval (measured in seconds) at which the status of the loadbalancer is refreshed.
Parameter: attachedByName Specifies whether the operator name or the contact name is displayed in the Attached By field from the attachment list in the web client.
checkdatetimevalue Determines whether Service Manager validates the date fields, such as the Planned Start and Planned End date fields.
Parameter: disableXrs Enables and disables the -Xrs JVM option
Parameter: fetchnotnullsystemp Specifies whether or not to fully enable the template merge functionality for the operator table
Parameter: GossipRouterhosts provides a list of available GossipRouters. Service Manager nodes read this parameter to identify all GossipRouters (this behavior requires the addition of command lines in the sm.cfg file).
Parameter: group Shuts down or quiesces all Service Manager server members in a virtual group
Parameter: groupbindaddress Defines the TCP/IP address of the network adapter you want servlet container processes to use to communicate with other processes in a virtual group
Parameter: grouplicenseip Defines the TCP/IP address of the Service Manager host with a valid AutoPass license for the virtual group
Parameter: groupmcastaddress Defines the TCP/IP address that servlet container processes can use to communicate with the load balancer process in a horizontal scaling implementation
Parameter: groupname Creates a virtual group that servlet container processes across multiple systems can join for horizontal scaling purposes
Parameter: groupport Defines the communications port that servlet container processes can use to communicate with the load balancer process in a horizontal scaling implementation
Parameter: groupsubnetaddress Defines the subnet mask that the multicasting IP address resides on in a horizontal scaling implementation
Parameter: grouptcpbindport Specifies the bind port for each group member to communicate with each other. By default, Service Manager tries to assign port 7800 for each member. If this is not possible, it tries the next higher port (7801) and so on, until it finds an unused port.
Parameter: grouptcpjointimeout

determines the number of seconds within which a Service Manager node must successfully join a Jgroup before the operation times out.

Parameter: grouptimeout Defines the timeout value (in milliseconds) for Jgroups remote procedure calls
Parameter: host Specifies the host name of the Service Manager server that you want to shut down or quiesce
Parameter: httpPort Defines the communications port that a servlet container process uses to communicate with clients using HTTP
Parameter: httpsPort Defines the communications port that a servlet container process uses to communicate with clients using HTTPS (SSL-encrypted HTTP)
Parameter: idmsigningkey Specifies a key that is used to sign Micro Focus Identity Manager (IdM) tokens.
Parameter: idmssoenabled Determines whether Micro Focus Identity Manager (IdM) Single Sign-On is enabled for the Service Manager Server.
Parameter: JVMOption Specifies a JVM option.
Parameter: jgroupstcp

Determines whether Service Manager Jgroups run on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or on User Datagram Protocol (UDP) .

Parameter: keystoreFile Defines the path and file name to the Java keystore that contains the certificate of the Service Manager server
Parameter: keystorePass Defines the password to the Java keystore that contains the certificate of the Service Manager server
Parameter: loadBalancer Creates a load balancer process that listens to incoming client requests on the communications port specified by the httpPort parameter
Parameter: logperthread Defines whether the Service Manager server opens a separate sm.log file for each thread
Parameter: logperprocess Defines whether to create a log file for each vertical scaled Service Manager process.
Parameter: maxattachmentcount Specifies the maximum number of files that can be attached to an individual record.
Parameter: memorypollinterval Defines when to poll the heap memory
Parameter: queryhashcode Enables all Service Manager processes to consistently generate a unique hash code, which can be accepted and properly decoded by the web tier
Parameter: reportgroup Displays the status of ports, processes, and threads in horizontal and vertical scaling servlet implementations
Parameter: reportlbstatus Displays information about available ports and threads in horizontal and vertical scaling servlet implementations
Parameter: sslConnector Defines whether servlet container processes have an HTTPS (SSL-encrypted HTTP) communications port available
Parameter: threadsperprocess Defines the number of threads that you want the Service Manager server to start when it starts a new process
Parameter: ssl_trustedClientsJKS Defines the path and file name to the Java keystore that contains the list of trusted client certificates from which the Service Manager server allows connection requests
Parameter: ssl_trustedClientsPwd Defines the password to the Java keystore that contains the list of trusted client certificates from which the Service Manager server allows connection requests
Parameter: truststoreFile Defines the path and file name of the Java keystore that contains the list of trusted certificate authorities
Parameter: truststorePass Defines the password to the Java keystore that contains the list of trusted CA certificates

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System parameters
Enter a parameter in the sm.ini file