SSL parameters

The following table lists the startup parameters you can set from the Service Manager server's operating system command prompt or from the Service Manager initialization file (sm.ini).

These parameters determine how the Service Manager server manages SSL connections.

SSL Parameter Brief description
Parameter: acceptsharedcert Defines how the Service Manager server handles signed SSL certificates from incoming client requests in a Trusted Sign-On configuration
Parameter: cacsignon Defines whether trusted clients can log on to the Service Manager server with a Common Access Card (CAC), without entering log-on information
Parameter: keystoreFile Defines the path and file name to the Java keystore that contains the certificate of the Service Manager server
Parameter: keystorePass Defines the password to the Java keystore that contains the certificate of the Service Manager server
Parameter: onewayssl4ws Disables or enables one-way/anonymous SSL for web services clients in a Trusted Sign-On (TSO) or Common Access Card (CAC) configuration
Web parameter: cacerts Defines the path to the cacerts file required for web clients to make SSL connections to the web tier
Web parameter: secureLogin Controls the encryption of network communication between the web application server and the web browser.
Web parameter: ssl Causes all web clients to use SSL connections to the web tier
Parameter: ssl Defines whether the Service Manager server requires SSL connections from all incoming client requests that are sent from Service Manager's Windows client or web client.
Parameter: sslConnector Defines whether servlet container processes have an HTTPS (SSL-encrypted HTTP) communications port available.
Web parameter: sslPort Defines the SSL port of the web application server (this is required only when the secureLogin parameter is set to true)
Parameter: sslEnabledProtocols

Defines the supported SSL protocols for HTTPS connections to the Service Manager Server.

Parameter: ssl_reqClientAuth Defines whether the Service Manager server requires signed certificates from all incoming client requests
Parameter: ssl_trustedClientsJKS Defines the path and file name to the Java keystore that contains the list of trusted client certificates from which the Service Manager server allows connection requests
Parameter: ssl_trustedClientsPwd Defines the password to the Java keystore that contains the list of trusted client certificates from which the Service Manager server allows connection requests
Parameter: trustedsignon Defines whether trusted clients can log in to the Service Manager server without having to provide login information

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System parameters
Enter a parameter in the sm.ini file