Shared memory

Service Manager shared memory is a pool of memory available to all processes on the server. You can control how the server allocates and manages shared memory using system parameters in the Service Manager initialization file. Allocating too little shared memory can degrade system performance, and allocating too much wastes system resources.

The shared memory storage report generates a snapshot of shared memory that enables you to monitor usage. If you are trying to isolate a performance bottleneck, run a report at start-up and periodically throughout the monitoring period. As a general rule, if Unused falls below 25%, consider increasing the amount of shared memory (see Startup parameters: shared_memory). If you are not sure how to interpret the shared memory report, contact Micro Focus customer support.

To run the shared memory report for a Unix or Windows system, do the following.

  • Issue the following command from the shell prompt:
    sm -reportshm

Related topics

Example: semaphore reports

Shared memory storage report

Debug a suspended or hung system

View shared memory statistics

System performance parameters

Startup parameter: maxmsgsharedmemory

Special parameters: reportsem

Special parameters: reportshm

Special parameters: reportstatus

Startup parameter: shared_memory