Develop > Tailoring > Environment configuration > Tools to use for promoting customizations > Differential Upgrade utility > Create a differential upgrade unload from an internal file

Create a differential upgrade unload from an internal file

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To create a baseline revision:

  1. Click Tailoring > Differential Upgrade > Create Differential Unload.
  2. Type an Export Filename.
  3. Type the System Name. You are creating differential upgrade unload records for only this system. This is the name of the system listed in the differential upgrade records.
  4. Click Next to create the unload.

Related concepts

Environment configuration
Tools to use for promoting customizations
Differential Upgrade utility
Patch records
Signature records
Checklist: Differential upgrade steps

Related tasks

Create or update a Patch record
Create Signature records on the production system
Move Signature records to the development system
Create the differential upgrade from the development system
Customize the Differential upgrade unload file
Load the Differential upgrade into the production system
Load an unload file