How to Teach Using File Based Information

The following describes how to teach applications to the software application library using scan files.

  1. Open the SAI Editor.
  2. Using the SAI Editor Options menu option and then load the User SAI file.
  3. In the right-hand display area, right-click User SAI File and click New Item in the drop-down menu.
  4. Assign the Publisher Name of the application.
  5. Right-click User SAI File again and then assign the Application Name in the Application Properties window.
  6. Right-click the application you just created and click New Item from the drop-down menu.
  7. Right-click the release number that was automatically created and click New Item in the drop-down menu.
  8. Enter the release version number, the operating system on which the application is installed, and any other information you want to include.
  9. Click the version number you just created and click the Tools drop-down menu.
  10. Expand User SAI File and any child nodes and click on the version of the application that you created.
  11. Click Tools and then click Import Data from Recognition Result. The Recognition Verification dialog box is displayed.
  12. Browse to the scan file that contains the information you want to use to teach the application and then click OK. The Recognition Result Import dialog box is displayed.
  13. In the Recognition Results pane, select the files that you want to use to teach the application.

    Note Use the CTRL button to select multiple files.

  14. In the Destination SAI pane, click the version of the application that you want to teach with the selected files and then click ADD. The Importing Files dialog box is displayed.
  15. In the Importing Files dialog box, select the executable file (.exe) and ensure that it is the Main file in the Relationship to Application column. Click OK.
  16. On the Recognition Result Report dialog box, click the Install String tab. In the left pane, select the application that you want to teach and then in the right pane select the version of the application. Click Import. The Information dialog box appears that verifies the operation was completed successfully.

    Note To verify that the install strings were imported successfully, see the version properties for the version of the application and verify that the install string was populated in the Install String field.