Install > Support Matrix > Requirements > Web Browsers and Plug-ins

Web Browsers and Plug-ins

One of the following supported web browsers is required to run Universal CMDB 11.0:

Browser OS Version and Edition Supported Recommended
Windows Internet Explorer 9

Consult the Microsoft documentation for supported platforms.


Windows Internet Explorer 10

Consult the Microsoft documentation for supported platforms.

Yes Yes

Windows Internet Explorer 11

Consult the Microsoft documentation for supported platforms.


Microsoft Edge

Consult the Microsoft documentation for supported platforms.

JNLP is required.


Note To launch UCMDB UI from Microsoft Edge, enable JNLP by following instructions described in How to Launch UCMDB UI from Chrome 43+, Firefox 48+, Microsoft Edge, or Safari 10+ in the Universal CMDB Administration Guide. This is a one-time operation.

Google Chrome

Microsoft Windows

JNLP is required for Chrome 43 or later.


Note To launch UCMDB UI from Chrome 43 (or later), enable JNLP by following instructions described in How to Launch UCMDB UI from Chrome 43+, Firefox 48+, Microsoft Edge, or Safari 10+ in the Universal CMDB Administration Guide. This is a one-time operation.

Firefox ESR 17 and later

Microsoft Windows

JNLP is required for Firefox versions 48~51.


Firefox 31 ESR


  • Mac OS X (for UCMDB UI and UCMDB Browser only)

  • iPad with iOS 6 or later (for UCMDB Browser only)

JNLP is required for Safari 10 or later.



Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 Windows No  

Firefox 10 and higher

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions 5 and 6, 32/64-bit
  • No  

    Firefox 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

    Any No  

    The following supported plug-ins are required to run Universal CMDB 11.0:

    Screen resolution Minimal resolution: 1024x768. It is recommended that you use 1280x1024. For wide screens (for example, for 15.4" laptops) the best resolution is 1600x1050.
    Java Runtime Environment (for applet viewing)
    • 8 family

      Note: It is recommended to have the latest JRE 8 version.

    To change the locally available JRE:

    1. Place a new JRE deployment executable file in: C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\deploy\ucmdb-ui\static\JRE
    2. Restart the server.

    If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can download the Oracle JRE from the Java website (

    After installation, verify that the browser is using the correct Java version. To do this, open the Java Control Panel (Control Panel > Java) and then verify the following settings:

    • In the Security tab, the Enable Java content in the browser option is selected.
    • In the Java tab, click View. In both the User and System tabs of the Java Runtime Environment Settings dialog box, verify that the check box in the Enabled column for the correct product is selected.

    Note A 32-bit version of JRE must be installed to run UCMDB on a 32-bit web browser.

    Java caching

    To enable Java caching on the client machine, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Java Control Panel (Control Panel > Java).
    2. In the General tab, click the Settings button in the Temporary Internet Files section, and then select the Keep temporary files on my computer option.
    Applet tag support

    UCMDB applets support applet tag deployment only.

    To verify that the client machine supports applet tags, open the Java Control Panel. Click the Advanced tab and expand Default Java for browsers. Verify that Microsoft Internet Explorer is selected.

    Adobe Flash Player (to view charts in reports) Versions 10.x and later, up to v19
    Microsoft Excel (to view exported data)

    Versions 2010, 2013, and 2016

    Adobe Reader (to view exported data)

    Versions X and XI

    IBM Security Access Manager for Web WebSEAL (single sign-on plugin for web servers)

    Version 8

    Web servers in frontend include IIS and Apache. Support UCMDB UI and UCMDB Browser.