Use > Configuration Manager > Appendixes > Importing and Exporting System Data > Importing and Exporting System Data Overview

Importing and Exporting System Data Overview

You can import and export Configuration Manager data using the JMX console. You might perform these operations, for example, if you want to move the system data from a staging to a production environment, or during recovery following a system crash.

The exported data includes the following resources:

  • The list of views managed by Configuration Manager and the managed CI types defined for each view in the Views module. The TQLs which the views reference are not exported.

  • The configuration policy setting defined in the Policies module. The TQLs that are referenced are not exported.

  • The saved configuration analysis results in the Configuration Analysis module, including the saved model and the composite CIs. The actual CI information for the composite CIs, for example its attributes, are not exported.

The export operation migrates the data and stores it in the file system of the machine on which Configuration Manager is running. You can also provide a network path and store the exported data on a different server. The data is exported as an XML file.

You can import the XML file containing the system data from Configuration Manager's file system to another Configuration Manager system of the same version. You can also provide a network path to import the exported data from a different server.


When importing system data from one Configuration Manager system to another, you must ensure that the Configuration Manager version is the same or compatible.

Before migrating data between two Configuration Manager instances, which means that each Configuration Manager instance is connected to a different Universal CMDB instance, you must first export the relevant TQLs and views from one Universal CMDB instance to the other.

If you applied a baseline policy, you need to export the TQL selected in the Advanced Filter box in the Policies module.

If you applied a topology policy, you need to export the Condition TQL in the Condition TQL box and the TQL selected in the Advanced Filter box in the Policies module.

To export the referenced TQLs, use the Package Manager in Universal CMDB. For details, see the Universal CMDB Administration Guide.