Set Log Verbosity Levels

The amber_import_export.log file is the log file which import operations are written. This task describes how to modify the message severity level for the amber_import_export.log file.

For information about the amber_import_export.log file, see Log File for the Import Operations.

To modify the message severity level displayed:

Edit the following line in the <CM_installation_directory>\conf\ file:

log4j.logger.amber.import-export=INFO, amber_import_export_fileout

The following types of log message commands can be used:

  • ERROR. Shows error messages only.

  • WARN. Warning and error messages are displayed.

  • INFO. Informational messages that record the processing activity that the system performs are displayed, in addition to warning and error messages.

  • DEBUG. All types of messages and additional debug messages.

Caution Setting a log to DEBUG level may impact performance.