Policy Summary Page

This page displays a summary of policy satisfaction levels broken down by policy.

To access Select Statistics > Policy Summary.
Important information

For each policy, the number of CIs in all views at each satisfaction status is displayed. The available states are indicated in the Policy Status Legend:

Click a column header to sort the policy summary by that column. When you click a column header, a small black triangle appears. An upward triangle indicates an ascending sort and a downward triangle indicates a descending sort. Click the column header again to toggle between an ascending and a descending sort.

See also Policy Summary Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements (A-Z) Description
Show only policies which are relevant to favorite views. Toggles between displaying data for all views and displaying data for favorite views only.

Export Report. Enables you to choose the export format for the Policy Summary data. The available options are:

  • Export "Policy Summary" Report to Excel. The table data is formatted as an .XLS (Excel) file that can be displayed in a spreadsheet.

  • Export "Policy Summary" Report to PDF. The table data is exported in PDF format.

  • Export "Policy Summary" Report to CSV. The table data is formatted as a comma-separated values (CSV) text file that can be displayed in a spreadsheet.

The currently applied filters are taken into account when generating output for reports.

Enables you to filter the policy summary data by user-defined category. Categories are defined in the General section of the Details pane in the Policies page. For details, see Policies Page.
Refresh. Rrefreshes the policy list.
Show only active policies. When selected, displays only policies that are currently active.