Federation Mapping Approach

Federation mapping is achieved by mapping the sub-TQL queries used by the UCMDB Federation Framework to process a federation request. The general idea is that when a federation request is received by the Generic Adapter, what happens is this:

  1. Analyze the dynamic federation TQL query and compare it with a list of static federation TQL queries defined by the user.
  2. A static TQL query match is made. This TQL query is used to identify the needed mapping for the given federation request and to create the RTN Structure (a Java object that will illustrate the tree node structure that is needed from the connector) input argument that will be supplied to the federation connector. (For more information, see the push-interfaces.jar file)
  3. Send the federation call with the TQL argument to the connector.
  4. Map the incoming RTN trees sent by the connector in the same way as for population. See Achieving Data Population using the Generic Adapter.