Mapping Conventions

To ensure that the Generic Adapter is able to process federation requests, the following preconditions must be met:

  • Class Population Requirement. All nodes in the ResultTreeNodes (RTNs) results returned by the federation connector must be valid classes from the adapter-defined class model. For example, if the returned RTN is amComputer with a child of amPortfolio, both amComputer and amPortfolio must be classes defined in the ClassModel object returned by the adapter-specific ClassModelConnector.
  • Relationship Population Requirement. A parent-child relationship in the RTN results returned by the federation connector implies a valid link between the parent RTN node and the child RTN node. For example, if the returned RTN is amComputer with a child of amPortfolio, then a relantionship/link between amComputer and amPortfolio must exist and must be defined as a ValidRelation in the ClassModel object returned by the adapter-specific ClassModelConnector.