XML Configuration Tags and Properties

id="newAdapterIdName" Defines the adapter's real name. Used for logs and folder lookups.
displayName="New Adapter Display Name" Defines the adapter's display name, as it appears in the UI.
<className>...</className> Defines the adapter's interface implementing the Java class.
<category >My Category</category> Defines the adapter's category.
<parameters> Defines the properties for the configuration that are available in the UI when setting up a new integration point.
  name The name of the property (used mostly by code).
  description The display hint of the property.
  type String or integer (use valid values with string for Boolean).
  display-name The name of the property in the UI.
  mandatory Specifies whether this configuration property is mandatory for the user.
  order-index The placing order of the property (small = up).
  valid-values A list of possible valid values separated by `;' characters (for example, valid-values="Oracle;SQLServer;MySQL" or valid-values="True;False").


Contains the definition of the adapter's static settings and capabilities.


Defines this adapter as capable of federation.
<start-point-adapter> Specifies that this adapter is the start point for TQL query calculation.


The ability to federated queries with one federated query node.


The ability to federate complex queries.


Defines the capability to run data push and population flows.


This adapter may be used for population flows.
<push-back-ids> Push back the global ID of the CI to the global_id column of the table (must be defined in the orm.xml). The behavior can be overridden by implementing the FcmdbPluginPushBackIds plug-in.


This adapter may be used for population changes flows.
<instance-based-data> This tag defines that the adapter supports an instance based population flow.


This adapter may be used for data push flows.


Allows defining a mapping engine for the adapter (by default, the adapter uses the default mapping engine). For any other mapping engine, enter the implementing class name of the mapping engine


Forces the removal of specific attributes from the result.


Specifies when to execute a full population job instead of a differential job (every `x' days). Uses the aging mechanism together with the changes flow.
<adapter-settings> The list of settings of the adapter.
  <list.attributes.for.set> Determines which attributes override the previous value (if one exists).