Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting Data Flow Management > Troubleshooting and Limitations

Troubleshooting and Limitations – Multiple CMDB Integration


When performing troubleshooting, be sure to check both CMDB server and Probe logs.

  • CMDB server logs

    • fcmdb.log

    • fcmdb.adapters.log

    • error.log

    • cmdb.reconciliation.log (for population jobs)

  • Probe logs

    • wrapperProbeGw.log

    • fcmdb.log

    • fcmdb.adapters.log

    • probe-infra.log

Following are some problems that you may encounter and their solutions.

  • Problem. TQL query not active/persistent error message.

    The Query settings have been changed manually.

    Solution. Run full population to reactivate/persist the query.

  • Problem. The number of CIs that is populated is much larger than the requested amount.

    Solution. Since the automatic completion feature for reconciliation is turned on by default, it may populate the CMDB with additional CIs or links, in order to contain sufficient information to insert the CIs into the CMDB.

  • Problem. Changes are not populated immediately after a job is run.

    Changes may take a few minutes to be detected by the live mechanism.

    Solution. Wait a few minutes for changes to be populated by your next population job.

  • Problem. CIs are not populated into the CMDB.

    Changes may take a few minutes to be detected by the live mechanism.

    Solution. Wait a few minutes for changes to be populated by your next population job.

    Check the CMDB reconciliation logs for more information.

  • Problem. Deletions are not populated.


    • Make sure that you have selected the Allow Delete check box in the population job properties.

    • Check the query you are running. Deletes are not supported on federated queries, and the aging mechanism must be used.

  • Problem. Queries that contain compound relationships fail.

    Solution. If you want to let those TQL queries run, remove subgraph and uncheck Show full path between source and target CIs in the query's Compound Relationship properties, then the queries can run.

  • Problem. Authentication fails.

    Solution. Since the UCMDB 9.x /10.x adapter uses the UCMDB API for connection, set up an integration user to ensure that you provide proper credentials. For details, see Create an Integration User.

  • Problem. The Data Push job fails with the message “Remote UCMDB version is not supported.”

    Solution. The Data Push flow only supports pushing to UCMDB version 9.05 CUP 9 and later CUPs, or UCMDB version 10.01 and later (it does not support pushing to UCMDB version 10.00). Upgrade your remote UCMDB or alternatively, run the integration using the population flow.


  • If the TQL query for a population job (defined on the source) includes CI types or links that do not exist on the target, or links that are not valid, those types or links are ignored in the target data repository.

  • Since the UCMDB 9.x/10.x adapter works with the "changes" population engine, if a population flow retrieves federated data, no removals are made in the CMDB, since the federation brings only added or updated data.

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