Configure Confidential Manager Communication Encryption on the Probe

This procedure is relevant if the UCMDB Server has been configured to not send LW-SSO/Confidential Manager configuration and settings automatically to Probes. For details, see Disable Automatic Synchronization of the Confidential Manager Client Authentication and Encryption Settings Between the Server and Probes.

  1. On the Probe machine, launch the Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8453.


    If the Probe Manager and the Probe Gateway are running as separate processes, the address should be entered on the machine that is running the Probe Manager as follows: https://localhost:8454.

  2. Click type=CMClient to open the JMX MBEAN View page.
  3. Update the following transport-related settings:


    You must update the same settings that you updated on the UCMDB server. To do this, some of the methods that you update on the Probe may require more than one parameter. To see the current probe configuration, click displayTransportConfiguration in the JMX MBEAN View page. For details, see Configure Confidential Manager Communication Encryption . For details about the values that can be updated, see Confidential Manager Encryption Settings.

    1. setTransportInitString changes the encryptDecryptInitString setting.

    2. setTransportEncryptionAlgorithm changes Confidential Manager settings on the Probe according to the following map:

      • Engine name refers to the <engineName> entry

      • Key size refers to the <keySize> entry

      • Algorithm padding name refers to the <algorithmPaddingName> entry

      • PBE count refers to the <pbeCount> entry

      • PBE digest algorithm refers to the <pbeDigestAlgorithm> entry

    3. setTransportEncryptionLibrary changes Confidential Manager settings on the Probe according to the following map:

      • Encryption Library name refers to the <cryptoSource> entry

      • Support previous lightweight cryptography versions refers to the <lwJCEPBECompatibilityMode> entry

    4. setTransportMacDetails change Confidential Manager settings on the Probe according to the following map:

      • Use MAC with cryptography refers to the <useMacWithCrypto> entry

      • MAC key size refers to the <macKeySize> entry

  4. Click the reloadTransportConfiguration button to make the changes effective on the Probe.

For details about the different settings and their possible values, see Confidential Manager Encryption Settings.