Use > Hardening > Enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Communication > Enable or Disable HTTP/HTTPS Ports

Enable or Disable HTTP/HTTPS Ports

You can enable or disable the HTTP and HTTPS ports from within the user interface or from the JMX console.

To enable or disable the HTTP/HTTPS ports from within the user interface:

  1. Log on to Universal CMDB.
  2. Select Administration > Infrastructure Settings.
  3. Enter either http or https in the Filter (by Name) box to display the HTTP settings.

    • Enable HTTP(S) connections. True: the port is enabled. False: the port is disabled.

  4. Restart the server to apply the change.

    Caution The HTTPS port is open by default; closing this port prevents Server_Management.bat from functioning.

To enable or disable the HTTP/HTTPS ports from the JMX console:

  1. Launch a Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost.<domain_name>:8443/jmx-console.
  2. Enter the JMX console authentication credentials. (The default user name is sysadmin.)

  3. Locate UCMDB:service=Ports Management Services and click the link to open the Operations page.
  4. To enable or disable the HTTP port, locate the HTTPSetEnable operation and set the value.

    • True: the port is enabled.

    • False: the port is disabled.
  5. To enable or disable the HTTPS port, locate the HTTPSSetEnable operation and set the value.

    • True: the port is enabled.

    • False: the port is disabled.
  6. To enable or disable the HTTPS port with client authentication, locate the HTTPSClientAuthSetEnable operation and set the value.

    • True: the port is enabled.

    • False: the port is disabled.