Use > Modeling > Introduction > Working with the Topology Map > Topology Map Overview

Topology Map Overview

The Topology Map provides a graphical display of a view. All the CIs in a given layer of the view are represented by icons and the connecting lines represent relationships. You can select a CI in the Topology Map or in the CI Selector in the left pane. You can also drill down in the CI Selector to display different layers of the view in the Topology Map.

The label of a CI appears under the icon. You can set the maximum number of characters per line and the maximum number of lines in a CI label in the User Preferences dialog box under General. For details, see User Preferences Dialog Box.

A CI that has an additional CI layer beneath it, created by the hierarchy set for the view, appears with a downward arrow icon in the Topology Map, as well as a count indicator displaying the total number of CIs in all of the sublayers under it. You can click the arrow to display the CIs contained in the sublayer.

When you hold the pointer over the CI icon, a tooltip displays the CI's details. When you hold the pointer of the count indicator, a tooltip displays a breakdown of the CIs beneath that CI by CI type.

The topology map is automatically updated dynamically with changes in the IT Universe data, such as new CIs discovered by the Data Flow Management process.

The toolbar and Main Menu above the Topology Map enable you to zoom in, change the layout of the Topology Map, and print the Topology Map. Additional functionality is available from the shortcut menu by right-clicking a CI in the Topology Map or in the CI Selector.

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