Use > Inventory Tools > SAI Editor Overview > Exporting the Contents of a User SAI to XML Format

Exporting the Contents of a User SAI to XML Format

  • Only User SAI files can be exported.
  • The XML file format is an easy way to share the SAI information with an external system. Since XML is a standard, open text-based markup language, there are many tools available that can parse it. For example, one can create a simple XSLT transform and convert this XML to an HTML web page, an XML document of a different format, or even a simple text file.

Exporting the Contents of a User SAI File

  1. In the left hand pane of the SAI Editor, select the User SAI file you want to export.
  2. Click the Export SAI icon on the toolbar.
  3. The SAI XML Export dialog opens.

  4. You can select either Export SAI Summary only or Export Complete SAI. Samples of both types of export are shown in the following sections.
  5. If you select Export SAI Summary only, you have the following options:

    • Include IDs: If checked, the summary SAI includes item IDs in the exported XML. If unchecked, the IDs are not included.
    • Include release relationships: If checked, the summary SAI includes the release relationships in the exported XML. If unchecked, the release relationship information is omitted.
  6. You can select the Include items with no file data option.
  7. If checked, the export will also include items in the User SAI that are empty - that is, they do not have any files in them.

  8. In the Export to file field, you can browse to or type in the location where you want the file saved. By default, the XML export is saved to the following file:
  9. <DataFlowProbeInstallation>\runtime\probeManager\discoverySaiResources\saiRuntime

    where <dataflowprobeinstallation> is the location where the Data Flow Probe is installed.

  10. Select the Open file in default XML viewer option if you have an XML viewer already installed on your machine and it has been associated to XML file types. This option automatically opens the file with that application once the export has been completed.
  11. Click Export to complete the procedure.