Adapter Log Files

To understand the calculation flows and adapter lifecycle, and to view debug information, you can consult the following log files.

Log Levels

You can configure the log level for each of the logs.

In a text editor, open the C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\log\ file.

The default log level is ERROR:

#loglevel can be any of DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL
  • To increase the log level for all log files, change loglevel=ERROR to loglevel=DEBUG or loglevel=INFO.

  • To change the log level for a specific file, change the specific log4j category line accordingly. For example, to change the log level of fcmdb.gdba.dal.sql.log to INFO, change:




Log Locations

The log files are located in the C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\runtime\log directory.

  • Fcmdb.gdba.log

    The adapter lifecycle log. Gives details about when the adapter started or stopped, and which CITs are supported by this adapter.

    Consult for initiation errors (adapter load/unload).

  • fcmdb.log

    Consult for exceptions.

  • cmdb.log

    Consult for exceptions.

  • Fcmdb.gdba.mapping.engine.log

    The mapping engine log. Gives details about the reconciliation TQL query that the mapping engine uses, and the reconciliation topologies that are compared during the connect phase.

    Consult this log when a TQL query gives no results even though you know there are relevant CIs in the database, or the results are unexpected (check the reconciliation).

  • Fcmdb.gdba.TQL.log

    The TQL log. Gives details about the TQL queries and their results.

    Consult this log when a TQL query does not return results and the mapping engine log shows that there are no results in the federated data source.

  • Fcmdb.gdba.dal.log

    The DAL lifecycle log. Gives details about CIT generation and database connection details.

    Consult this log when you cannot connect to the database or when there are CITs or attributes that are not supported by the query.

  • Fcmdb.gdba.dal.command.log

    The DAL operations log. Gives details about internal DAL operations that are called. (This log is similar to cmdb.dal.command.log).

  • Fcmdb.gdba.dal.SQL.log

    The DAL SQL queries log. Gives details about called JPAQLs (object oriented SQL queries) and their results.

    Consult this log when you cannot connect to the database or when there are CITs or attributes that are not supported by the query.

  • Fcmdb.gdba.hibrnate.log

    The Hibernate log. Gives details about the SQL queries that are run, the parsing of each JPAQL to SQL, the results of the queries, data regarding Hibernate caching, and so on. For details on Hibernate, see Hibernate as JPA Provider.