Hardware Mapping Configuration Dialog Box

Enables you to map scan file hardware attributes to UCMDB CIs.

To access

Use one of the following:

  • Select Adapter Management > Resources pane > Inventory Discovery > Adapters > Inventory Discovery by Scanner. Click the Adapter Definition tab, expand the Global Configuration Files pane, click HardwareMappingConfig, and click .

  • From the Inventory Discovery activity, go to the Preferences page and click the Custom Mapping button.

    Note  This option is available only when Scanner Based Inventory Discovery is selected on the Preferences Page.

Important information Before creating a mapping, perform an analysis on what information you want to map, what data element in the scan file contains the information you want to capture, where the data element in the scan file is located, and which UCMDB CI you want to store this information.
Relevant tasks How to Map Scan File Attributes to UCMDB
See also Configuration Items (CIs)

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description

Select CI. Opens the Select CI dialog box, enabling you to create a new mapping between a scan file attribute and UCMDB CI properties.

When the Select CI dialog box opens, select a CI that you want to create a mapping.

Available when: Hardware Mapping Configuration is selected in the left pane.

Select an Attribute. Opens the Select an Attribute dialog box, enabling you to add a mapping between a scan file attribute and a selected UCMDB CI.

  • Attribute. Select an attribute from the drop down list to map to scan file attributes.
  • Display Label. The name of the attribute
  • Type. The data type of the attribute as it appears in the CI Type Manager. For more information, see the section describing the CI Type Manager.
Enables you to delete the selected UCMDB CI or attribute.

CI Editor

Enables you to define attributes of the UCMDB CI that you want to map to scan file attributes.

Important information This page is displayed when a CI is selected in the left pane.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
CI Name The display name of the CI that is selected in the left pane.

Click the ellipsis to open the Select Relationship with Node CI dialog box, enabling you to select the relationship that you want for the mapping.

If you want to remove the value in this field, click .


  • This is an optional field.
  • If there are no options available in the drop down list, there are no relationships that are created in UCMDB for the selected CI.
  • Selected values are ignored if they conflict with system values.

The number of instances of the CI to map.

  • Single. Only one instance of the selected CI is created in UCMDB.
  • Multiple. Multiple instances of the selected CI are created in UCMDB.

    Select this option if there are multiple instances of a particular type of data (shell tag/field) that you want to map. For example, you want to map the hwCPU field. However, you notice that there are multiple instances of this field contained in the scan file. If single is selected, only the first instance of hwCPU is mapped. If you want to map more than the first instance of this data (i.e, the child data elements contained in the shell/parent element), select the multiple option. For example, if there are three instances of hwCPU in the scan file and you select multiple, three instances of the CI are created in UCMDB.

Create New CI

Enables you to create a CI instance for the selected CI.

  • Yes. Create a new CI instance to map scan file information to a CI type when the CI type is not contained in the ParseEnrichedScanFile.py script.
  • No. Ignores mapping of the selected CI when the CI type is not contained in the ParseEnrichedScanFile.py script.

Default: No

Parent Shell Opens the Select a Shell Tag dialog box, enabling you to select a structural part of the scan file where the information that you want to map is located. Select a value for this field if you want to define the value type for the mapped attribute as array. Otherwise, this is an optional field.

Attribute Editor

Enables you to define properties of scan file attributes that you want mapped to UCMDB CIs.

Important information This page is displayed when an attribute is selected in the left pane.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Attribute Name

Displays the name of the attribute that is selected in the left pane. Click to open the Select an Attribute dialog box to edit properties of the attribute.

Note  If you change the attribute name, the previous attribute values are overwritten.

Value Type

The data type of the attributes in your scan file.

  • Scalar. Non-composite value, such as boolean, numeric, or character data types.
  • Array. Collection of values or variables that are selected by one or more indices.

    Note  This option is only available when there is a value for the Parent Shell field in the CI Editor.

  • Pre/Post. Use mappings that are contained in scripts that can map scan file values to UCMDB CIs.
  • Script. Customize data parsing by using aJython script.

Values that are displayed correspond to the option that is selected in the Value Type field.

  • Scalar. Click the ellipsis to open the Select a Scalar Tag dialog box and then select a structural part of the scan file where your mapped information is located.
  • Array. Click the ellipsis to open the Select an Array Tag dialog box and then select a tag type that corresponds to the attribute tags in your scan file.

    Note  If this option is selected, the only options that are displayed are tags for the value set for the Parent Shell field in CI Editor.

  • Pre/Post. The Scanner reads the output of the pre- and post-scan scripts and captures all lines with the following structure:


    The length of the <attribute> tag can be up to 256 characters, and the length of the <value> tag can be up to 1024 characters.

    Note The Scanner captures any script output line that contains an equal sign (=), except if the equal sign is the first character on the line.

  • Script. Enter your Jython script code. For more information, see Create Jython Code.

    Note  The script must return a value.


Select an option to overwrite values that were generated by the ParseEnrichedScanFile.py script when the last Inventory Discovery job ran.

  • Yes. The values generated from this mapping overwrite previous values.
  • No. The values generated from this mapping do not overwrite previous values.

Default: No