Use > Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Inventory Discovery > Inventory Discovery User Interface > XML Enricher: Software Recognition Configuration Dialog Box

XML Enricher: Software Recognition Configuration Dialog Box

To access

Use one of the following:

  • Select Data Flow Management > Software Library, and click .
  • Select Universal Discovery > Discovery Modules/Jobs > Discovery Modules > Hosts and Resources > Inventory Discovery > Inventory by Scanner > Properties tab > Global Configuration Files pane, and double-click EnricherServiceSettings.ini.
  • Select Universal Discovery > Discovery Modules/Jobs > Discovery Modules > Hosts and Resources > Inventory Discovery > Inventory by Scanner > Inventory Discovery by Manual Scanner Deployment > Properties tab > Global Configuration Files pane, and double-click EnricherServiceSettings.ini.
  • When creating or editing an Inventory Discovery activity, in the Preferences tab click Mapping Options. For details, see the Universal CMDB Discovery and Integrations Content Help.
Related tasks How to Configure XML Enricher to Suit the Probe Deployment Mode
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A–Z) Description
Restores the XML Enricher settings to the default setting.
General tab Enables you to set general XML Enrichment options. See General Tab below.
SAI Recognition tab Enables you determine how the XML Enricher uses the SAI files for application recognition. See SAI Recognition Tab.

General Tab

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A–Z) Description
  • Process Utilization Data. By default this option is set to Yes. If you want to stop processing utilization data, change this option to No.
  • Application Recognition. There are the following options for Application recognition:

    • Software application index (SAI). This is the default setting. Instructs the XML Enricher to use the Software Application Index files (.zsai) to perform application recognition. The SAI files contain a database of software applications. By default, only executable files are sent to the recognition engine for processing. You can set this so that all files are sent to the recognition engine by modifying the filter settings. See Filtering.

    • No recognition. Disables any application recognition. When recognition is disabled, scan file processing is slightly faster as no file information is sent to the recognition engine for processing. However, the processed scan files are not enriched with application data, and no application data is added to the UCMDB database.

  • Import unrecognized files. By default, this option is set to No. If you want to use Express Teaching to teach applications, change this option to Yes. For more information about Express Teaching, see Express Teaching Overview.
Scan File Management

Enables you to configure how to manage the scan files.

Group Processed Scan Files. The grouping commands help you organize your scan files in the processed directory. You can group your scan files based on the value of the hardware fields collected by the Scanners. For example, if the grouping is done on the hwHostOS field, all scan files for computers having the same operating systems are grouped in the corresponding directory for that operating system.

Clicking the button opens the Scan File Group dialog box, enabling you to create a scan file group:

  • Group processed scan files by hardware field. Select a hardware field from the drop-down list.Details of the field are displayed in the Detail pane.

    Note The value of the selected hardware field is used as the name of a subdirectory under the Processed directory. If the chosen field is blank in a scan file, that file is moved to a Blank directory.

  • Value to use if hardware field is blank. Because the directory name cannot be empty, when the value of the selected hardware field is empty, the string configured in this field is used instead to name the subdirectory.

SAI Recognition Tab

User interface elements are described below:

SAI Files

Enables you to specify the SAI files that the XML Enricher uses to recognize applications. The master SAI set comes with the latest Content Pack and is available in the package. For details about deploying your own SAI files, see SAI Files Pane.

  • <SAI Files grid>.For each SAI file that appears in the list, the following information is displayed:

    • Use. Specifies whether an SAI file is used by the XML Enricher. The XML Enricher only uses the selected SAI files.

    • Name. The name of the SAI file.

    • ID. The ID for the user SAI file.

      Note Because a master SAI file does not have an ID, it displays an ID of N/A. Each user SAI receives an integer ID on creation. The ID must be unique within the organization. The UD tools (including XML Enricher and Inventory Tools) need all user SAIs they load to have a different ID. It is therefore important to ensure IDs are unique.

    • Size. The size (in kilobytes)

    • Type. The file type: Master (read-only) or User (editable)

    • Date.

      • Master SAI files: The date the file was created.
      • User SAI files: The date the file was last saved.
    • Description. The description given to the SAI file when it was created.

  • SAI File Used to Store Rule-Created Items. Specifies the SAI file to which items created by rules are added. These rules are present within the SAI files themselves. You can specify additional rules by using the SAI Editor.

    If this field is left blank, Universal Discovery creates a file called Auto.zsai and puts this in the same location as the first Master SAI.


    • For descriptions of SAI files, see Software Application Index (SAI) Files.
    • For more information about SAI files and the process of application recognition, see the SAI Editor documentation.
Advanced SAI Options

Determine how the XML Enricher performs the SAI application recognition. The available options are as follows:

  • Level 3 recognition heuristics. This option determines when the XML Enricher processes scan files for a particular machine.

    • Yes. The XML Enricher waits until all the files in all the directories on that machine have been read before issuing its final recognition information. More accurate recognition is achieved.

    • No. Machine-based recognition does not take place, and recognition data is returned after each directory is loaded.

    A time overhead of about 10% is normal when Level 3 recognition heuristics is enabled.

    Default: Yes.

  • Auto-identify unrecognized device driver file.

    If this option is set to Yes, it instructs the XML Enricher to mark files that meet the following criteria as recognized in the enriched scan file:

    • They cannot be identified by standard SAI recognition.

    • They have the Device Driver attribute.

    Files used as Device Drivers represent a large portion of the files that are not identified by the Application Library. Being able to identify these automatically can significantly reduce the effort required to achieve good recognition rates.

    Default: Yes.

  • Override OS language. Works in conjunction with the Preferred language option (below). If you specify a Preferred language, and you set the Override OS language option to Yes, the recognition engine overlooks the OS locale setting and uses the Preferred language that you specify.

    Default: No

  • Report multiple installations of the same version. Specifies whether to report multiple instances of the same application version that are installed.

    Default: No

    Note If a user wants to report multiple installations of the same version software, set the correct scan configurations for Inventory Discovery by Scanner job so that scanner can collect enough information into a scan file.

  • Preferred language. Enables you to specify the language that the XML Enricher uses when it encounters more than one language version of the same application. For example: if there are two application versions in the SAI (one English and one French) that are very similar, or the same in terms of the comprising files, setting the preferred language to French favors French applications if the recognition ratings for these application versions are the same.

    This option works in conjunction with the Override OS Language option (above).

    Default: Neutral. No preferred language is set.


Determines what types of files the XML Enricher processes:

  • Use only files with the following extensions. Specifies the extensions of the particular file types processed by the XML Enricher. Type the extensions that you want to use directly into the box. Separate extensions with commas or semicolons. Only these file types are processed.

  • Use only executable files. Specifies that only executable files should be processed by the recognition engine. This includes *.exe, *.com, *.dll and other files containing executable code.

    Default: Yes

  • Look also for files within archives. Specifies that files within archive files should be processed. The following archive file types are supported: ARJ, ZIP v1, ZIP v2, LHA, LZH, ARC, CAB, TAR, GZIP, TAR/GZIP, and PAK.

    Default: No

  • Regular expressions used to filter junk files. Some files may be executable but are of no interest for licensing or other purposes. These files are often identifiable by file name. For example: TMP[0-9]*\.\$\$\$. This option enables you to specify file names that should be ignored by the XML Enricher. Do this by entering regular expressions in the multi-line edit box - one expression on each line. Files whose names match the regular expressions are ignored.

    When the XML Enricher matches a file name against a junk filter regular expression, the file name is first converted to lowercase. For this reason, all letters entered as part of the regular expression must be in lowercase for a match to successfully occur.