Troubleshoot > About Troubleshooting Micro Focus Configuration Management System > Before Calling Support > Prepare the Generated Data to be Sent to Micro Focus Customer Support Service

Prepare the Generated Data to Be Sent to Micro Focus Customer Support Service

The Micro Focus Customer Support Service might ask you to gather and send the data they need to resolve a technical issue. Since UCMDB operates in large network environments, the data sometimes may be difficult to gather. The UCMDB LogGrabber is a tool for collecting and packaging log data. The methods to use the LogGrabber tool are described below.

Retrieve Server Logs by Executing LogGrabber

This task describes how to retrieve UCMDB Server log files.

  • If the UCMDB Server is operational

    1. Launch the Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console

      You may have to log in with a user name and password. (Default user name is sysadmin)

    2. Search and click UCMDB:service=Server Services to open the JMX MBEAN View page.

    3. Click executeLogGrabber.
    4. Click Invoke.

    5. Provide the downloaded zip package to Micro Focus Customer Support Service.
  • If the UCMDB server is not operational

    1. Execute the LogGrabber script: <UCMDB_Server_Home>/tools/logGrabber/logGrabber.bat
    2. Clear the content of the following folder: <UCMDB_Server_Home>/runtime/log

      Make sure NOT to remove the log folder itself.

    3. Restart the UCMDB Server.
    4. Allow some time for the problem to reproduce.
    5. Execute the LogGrabber script again: <UCMDB_Server_Home>/tools/logGrabber/logGrabber.bat
    6. Collect the most recent LogGrabber archive first from <UCMDB_Server_Home>/runtime/ and upload it to the Support incident.
    7. Once the upload completes in step f, inform Support and upload the LogGrabber output of Step a.

Retrieve Probe Logs

  • If the Probe is operational

    1. Launch the Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8453/

      You may have to log in with a user name and password. (Default user name is sysadmin)

    2. Go to GeneralUtils.

    3. Click executeLogGrabber.
    4. Click Invoke.

    5. Provide the downloaded zip package to Micro Focus Customer Support Service.
  • If the Probe is not operational

    1. Zip the content of the following folder: <DataFlowProbe>/runtime/log
    2. Clear the content of the following folder: <DataFlowProbe>/runtime/log

      Make sure NOT to remove the log folder itself.

    3. Restart the Data Flow Probe.
    4. Allow some time for the problem to reproduce.
    5. Zip again the content of the folder: <DataFlowProbe>/runtime/log
    6. Collect the most recent log archive first and upload it to the Support incident.
    7. Once the upload completes in step f, inform Support and upload the log zip of Step a.