SMS Adapter

Integration with SCCM/SMS is performed using an SMS adapter, which is based on the Generic DB Adapter. This adapter supports full and differential population for defined CI types as well as federation for other CI types or attributes.

The SMS Adapter supports the following features:

  • Full replicating of all instances of the selected CI types.

  • Identifying changes that have occurred in SCCM/SMS, to update them in the UCMDB.

  • Simulating the touch mechanism capabilities:

    When a CI is removed from SCCM/SMS, it is physically deleted from the database and there is no way to report about it. The SMS Adapter supports a full synchronization interval. This means that the adapter transfers data for which the aging mechanism has been enabled, and provides the time interval to run a full synchronization that simulates the touch mechanism.

  • Federation of selected CI types and attributes.

Out-of-the-box integration with SCCM/SMS includes population of the following classes:

  • Node (some of the attributes are populated and some are federated)

  • Layer2 connection

  • Location that is connected to the node

  • IP address

  • Interface

In addition, the following classes can be defined as federated from SCCM/SMS:

  • CPU

  • File system

  • Installed software

  • Windows service

The following classes and attributes should be marked as federated by the SCCM/SMS adapter for the proper functionality of the Actual State feature of Service Manager:

  • Classes

    • CPU

    • Installed software

    • Windows service

  • Node attributes

    • DiscoveredOsVendor

    • DiscoveredModel

    • Description

    • DomainName

    • NetBiosName


      Avoid marking the LastModifiedTime attribute as federated, as it may lead to unexpected results.