
The SE package contains basic reports that can be customized to suit the integrated SE applications.

In addition to the system reports, Change Monitoring and Asset Data parameters are set on each CIT in this package, to enable Change and Asset Reports in Universal CMDB. For details see Storage Array Configuration, Host Configuration, Storage Array Dependency, and Host Storage Dependency.

Storage Array Configuration

This report shows detailed information on Storage Arrays and its sub-components including Fibre Channel Ports, Fibre Channel Arrays, and Storage Processors. The report lists Storage Arrays with sub-components as children of the Array.

Host Configuration

This report shows detailed information on hosts that contain one or more Fibre Channel HBAs, Fibre Channel Ports, or Logical volumes. The report lists hosts with sub-components as children of the host.

Storage Array Dependency

This report maps dependencies on a Storage Array. The report also displays information on switches connected to it.

Host Storage Dependency

This report shows detailed information on storage infrastructure dependencies of a Host. The report lists hosts and dependent components.

Storage Pool Configuration

This report shows detailed information on Storage Pool configuration.