Package Manager Page

This page allows you to create a package out of existing resources or edit an existing package to suit your IT management needs.

To access the Package Manager page, go to the UCMDB Home, click the menu icon on the upper left corner to expand the navigation bar, and then select the Package Manager module.

Important The Package Manager module requires UCMDB Browser 11.0 or later, and UCMDB server 11.0 or later.

The following table describes the user interface elements on the Package Manager page:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
UCMDB Modules. Opens the Navigation menu, and allows you to navigate through the available web-based UCMDB modules. For details on available modules, see Navigation Menu.

<username>. Displays the current user that logs in to UCMDB Home. Clicking it allows you to log out of the UCMDB Home.

Help. Opens the Help menu:

  • Help.Opens the Package Manager Help page.
  • Online Help for UCMDB Browser. Opens the online help for the current UCMDB Browser version available on the Micro Focus Software Information Portal.
  • Online Help for UCMDB Server. Opens the online help for the current UCMDB Server version available on the Micro Focus Software Information Portal.
  • Online Help for Content Pack. Opens the online help for the current Content Pack version available on the Micro Focus Software Information Portal.

  • About. Opens the About dialog box.

    The ABOUT tab provides version, patch (if available), copyright, and third-party notice information.

    The LICENSE tab provides license information, including license status, license summary, and a license status link. Clicking the license status link opens the license summary report, which contains license consumption summary and available licenses, and a link that allows you to export a detailed license consumption report. For more information about licenses, see Universal Discovery Licensing Overview.

    Clicking OK exits the About window.

Create custom package. Enables you to create a package out of existing resources. Opens the Create Package menu. For details, see How to Create a Custom Package.

Install Package. Enables you to upload and install a Package. In the Select file for upload field, select the required Package from your local file system to upload and install on the server.

Content Pack. Enables you to upload and install a Discovery and Integrations Content Pack. In the Select file for upload field, select the required content pack from your local file system to upload and install on the server. For details, see How to Install/Deploy a Discovery and Integration Content Pack

Note Only the content packs that are located in the C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\content\content_packs can be installed on the server. If the required content packs are not located in the C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\content\content_packs, you have to upload them first, using the Upload button.

Export Package List. Enables you to generate a report displaying a list of packages that are deployed in the system, or a list of filtered packages. Choose the export format for the table data from the drop-down list. The available options are:
  • CSV.

  • XLS. The table data is formatted as an Excel (.xls) file that can be displayed in a spreadsheet.

  • PDF. The table data is exported in PDF format.

Packages Displays a list of existing packages.
Resources Displays a list of existing resources.