Administer > Scheduled maintenance > Create a Scheduled Maintenance task for an asset

Create a Scheduled Maintenance task for an asset?

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Configuration Manager

Configuration Administrator

To create a Scheduled Maintenance task for an asset:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Resources > Search CIs.
    Service Manager displays a blank Configuration Item record.
  2. To generate a record list of CIs, click Search.
  3. Click a CI to select it.
  4. Open the More Actions menu.
  5. Click Scheduled Maintenance > Generate Recurring > Incidents, Changes, or Requests.

Service Manager displays a new Scheduled Maintenance task and imports data from the CI record and the template record.

Related topics

Scheduled Maintenance
More Actions menu
Access Scheduled Maintenance
Check the execution details of a task
Check the execution history of a task
Create a change request from a Scheduled Maintenance task
Create a Request Fulfillment request from a Scheduled Maintenance task
Create a schedule for a task
Create a Scheduled Maintenance task
Create a Scheduled Maintenance task from an open record
Create an Incident record from a Scheduled Maintenance task
Define the effect and details of a Scheduled Maintenance task
Force a task to run immediately
Schedule intervals
Set the demand criteria for a task
Specify incremental repetition
Specify manual repetition
Specify quiescent repetition
Use expressions and Format Control only in a Scheduled Maintenance task
Use the Cost Estimate tool