Chart control

Use this control to add a chart that displays the contents of a numeric array as a two–dimensional, color–coded bar chart with optional, definable buttons.

To place a chart on a form, click Chart and then click the form.
Be sure to put the name of the database field or variable that you want to associate with this control into the Input property.

Property Usage
Name Specify a unique identifier for the object on the screen. (Optional)

This name is used by external applications, such as RAD, to dynamically change the properties of the object.
X Specify the object’s horizontal position based on the left edge of the object.
Y Specify the object’s vertical position based on the top edge of the object.
Width Specify the width of the object in alignment grid units.
Height Specify the height of the object in alignment grid units.
Visible Select this option to make the object visible on the form. Clear the check box to hide the object from view on the form.
Visible Condition Specify an expression to override the Visible property when that expression evaluates to true.
Caption Specify a list of values to display in the chart.
Example: 3;4;10;3
Input Specify the database field or variable to associate with this control.
For more information on what to pass to the field or variable refer to the Publish and Subscribe Help.
Tab Stop Specify the tab sort order for this field. By default, the TAB key navigates the focus on a form from top to bottom and left to right. Objects that have a non-zero Tab Stop are visited first, in ascending order. For a button, file, radio button or check box, you will almost always use the default of 0.
Foreground Color Select the text color from the drop-down list.
Balloon Help Specify the text string to display when the cursor is held over the button to offer more information about the button’s function.
Bar Width Specify the width of bars in alignment grid units.
Scale Max Specify the maximum vertical bar height. Columns that exceed the Scale Max setting appear clipped. A setting of 0 causes the chart to automatically scale vertically to the tallest column.
Button Base Select this option to enable a row of buttons across the base of the chart, one button per column.
Base Button ID Specify the Control ID for the left-most chart button. It is incremented by one from left to right. Using the default value of 801 as an example, the left-most button would transmit 801, the second button from the left would transmit 802, the third 803, and so forth.

The Base Button ID relates to an option number in the menu record. Assign Button IDs to the chart and create an associated option number in the menu record, so that each button calls a stored query.
Color List Specify a list of semicolon delimited colors. The Color Scale and Color Percent properties determine how the list is applied to the columns. The available colors are: black, red, green, blue, gray, light gray, dark gray, yellow, cyan, magenta, white, forest, navy, purple, teal, brick, and manila.
Color Scale Specify a list of semicolon delimited numeric values to determine the color of a column.
Color Percent Select this option to use the Color Scale property a list of percentages from 1 to 100.

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