Table control

Use this control to add a table that displays one or more columns of data in a scrollable pane. The tables you create in the Form Designer appear as a rectangular region subdivided by rows and columns. The look and feel mimics tables in Microsoft Office applications, such as Excel.

Table have the following features:

  • Cells may display text or images.
  • Columns may vary in width. The user can resize the columns using the mouse.
  • Columns may have an optional heading button, which can be mapped to perform an action.
  • All rows are the same height, defined by the table's font.
  • The user can scroll through data by use of scroll bars or the keyboard.
  • All expected keyboard navigation is supported (Up, Down, Next, Prev, Last, First, and so forth)
  • You can edit cells or make them read-only.
  • Selecting a read-only cell results in a highlight of the entire row.
  • Selecting an cell to edit results in the in-place creation of an edit field or drop-down Combo Box that lets the user edit the cell.
  • Users can edit a field by clicking on it or by pressing the Enter key while the table has focus. Tabbing events received while the table is in edit mode result in navigation from one cell to the next. Pressing Enter while a cell is being edited results in the changes being accepted and the cell‘s row being highlighted. Tabbing events received when a row is highlighted are handled by passing focus to the next object in the window.

Note To avoid unpredictable behavior, do not set a DVD condition to use a variable that is based on a record displayed in the Table widget. The only exception is the Foreground Color Condition property, which takes effect at the record level.

To place a table on a form, click Table and then click the form.

Property Usage
Name Specify a unique identifier for the object on the screen. (Optional)

This field is required if you enable the Multiple Selection property. This name is used by external applications, such as RAD, to dynamically change the properties of the object.
X Specify the object’s horizontal position based on the left edge of the object.
Y Specify the object’s vertical position based on the top edge of the object.
Width Specify the width of the object in alignment grid units.
Height Specify the height of the object in alignment grid units.
Visible Select this option to make the object visible on the form. Clear the check box to hide the object from view on the form.
Visible Condition Specify an expression to override the Visible property when that expression evaluates to true.
Tab Stop Specify the tab sort order for this field. By default, the TAB key navigates the focus on a form from top to bottom and left to right. Objects that have a non-zero Tab Stop are visited first, in ascending order. For a button, file, radio button or check box, you will almost always use the default of 0.
Font Select a font for the text of your label, table, timer, or marquee caption from the drop-down list.
Foreground Color Condition Specify a formula to evaluate the ForeColor property at run time. The result of this evaluation overrides the value assigned to the property.
Bold Condition Specify an expression to override the Bold property when that expression evaluates to true.
Italic Condition Specify an expression to override the Italic property when that expression evaluates to true.
Font Increase Specify the amount, in points, to increase or decrease the standard font size.
Read-Only Select this option to disable editing capabilities and provide only viewing access to the field. Give read–only fields a tab–stop value of –1 to prevent users from tabbing into them.
Read-Only Condition Specify an expression to override the Read-Only property when that expression evaluates to true.
Columns Specify a list of columns in the table.
Column Headings Select this option to make the column headings appear above the columns.
Multiple Selection

Select this option to allow the user to select several rows in the table. Clear the check box to allow the user to select just one row.


  • If you enable this option, you must enter the associated table's name in the Name property.
  • The Multiple Selection property in Forms Designer has no effect on enabling or disabling the multi-select capability when performing a fill from an array field.
  • The Multiple Selection functionality applies to multiple rows in a single table only. Even if this option is enabled, selecting multiple rows in multiple tables will lead to unexpected results.
Selection Field Select this option to allow the user to select several rows in the table. Clear the check box to allow the user to select just one row.
Default Button ID When an individual column Button ID is set to 0, the Default Button ID is used.
Double–Click Button ID Specify the Button ID returned by the double-click action.
Double–Click Field Specify the field to return to cursor.field.contents() which can then be used in a query to find the record.
Accessible Description

Specify a component description for use with accessibility software (JAWS). (Optional)

Note This function is supported only by the web client.

If no description is present, the Web client uses the default table summary as described below:

  • For a record list on a list page or on the list panel of a list-detail page: Record List + [grouped by] + [sorted by] + [ascending/descending].

    Example: Record List Sorted by Update Time Ascending 11x51

  • For a Table widget on a detail form: Table.

    Example: Table 4x3

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Forms Designer
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