Administer > Time Period management > Working with time periods > Submit a time period for approval

Submit a time period for approval

Once you have finalized a time period definition, you can submit it for approval. By default each time period will go through the time period approvals defined in the Timeperiod approval definition, which is a global definition that takes effect on all time periods. Your administrator can create their own approval definitions and associate them to different time period categories.

To submit a time period for approval, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Time Period Management > Search Time Periods, and open the time period by performing a search.
  2. Click Submit for Approval.

    The time period moves to the approval phase, and its Approval Status changes to pending.

    The Approvals section now lists all currently required approvals. Once an approval is completed, the approval activity will be displayed in the Approval Log.

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