Administer > Time Period management > Working with time periods > Submit a time period for replanning

Submit a time period for replanning

Once a time period is published, its rules and occurrences become read-only. You can only manually cancel an individual rule. If you need to update the rules or occurrences, you can submit it for replanning. Doing so returns the time period back to the planning phase.

To submit a time period for re-planning, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Time Period Management > Search Time Periods, to open the time period record.
  2. Click Submit for Replanning.


    • Existing rules are read-only if the Lock Rules once approved global setting is enabled, and therefore you can no longer update them, but you can still deactivate/activate them using the Deactivate Rule or Activate Rule button that appears on the top of the rule detail form; if Lock Rules once approved is disabled (set to false), you can still update existing rules.
    • Deactivating a rule will trigger the deletion of all future occurrences based on the rule; activating a rule triggers the creation of the occurrences as of today.
    • The system will display a warning message if any existing changes conflict with the submitted time period.

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