Use > Build > Change Management > Change Calendar > Use the Change Calendar > Deal with a change that breaches the scheduling standards

How to deal with a change that breaches the scheduling standards

You can deal with a change that breaches the scheduling standards in the Change Calendar: Build > Change > Calendar.

If a change breaches the scheduling standards, Service Management displays an icon in the Change Calendar as a warning:

  • For a change which is not approved: Unapproved change

  • For a change which is approved:

For more information about change scheduling standards, see Scheduling changes.

To reschedule the change:

  1. Click the icon. A popup window appears with the following options:

    1. Suggest next available window. Click this button to have Service Management move the change to the next available maintenance window.

      • Click Save icon Save to accept the suggested schedule.

      • Click Discard to discard the suggested schedule.

    2. Show more. Click this link to have Service Management display a list of available maintenance windows.

      • Select a maintenance window to reschedule the change, and click Save icon Save to accept the suggested schedule.

      • Click Left arrow to view the Schedule details dialog box. You can manually schedule the change, or click View additional available windows to return to the list of available maintenance windows.

  2. Save your changes if you have not already done so.

Alternatively, you may drag and drop the change representation to a more suitable time, and then click Save icon Save.

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