Use > Build > Change Management > Change Calendar > View the Change Calendar

How to view the Change Calendar

From the main menu, select Build > Change > Calendar.

The Change Calendar is displayed.

  • The calendar can display a maximum of 100 change records.

  • If the filter selection is 100 or more change records, a warning icon is displayed, with an informative tooltip message.

  • The default display is 30 change records.

    To display more change records, click Show more at the bottom of the records list. This displays up to 60 change records, and if clicked again, shows up to 100 change records.

    To return to the default display, click F5, or reset the filter selection.

  • To maximize calendar performance, refine the filter selection to display fewer change records.

  • The default display is in order of scheduled start, with the first at the top.

  • For information about filtering changes in the calendar, see How to filter records in the Change Calendar.

Change Calendar User Interface (UI)

The Change Calendar has the following UI elements:

Left pane

The left pane displays a list of changes, each showing a risk icon, record Id, and title. There are also other icons to reflect various statuses.

  • You can use the Sort by drop-down and Ascending or descending button on the toolbar to choose the order in which they appear.

  • You can point to an icon to display a tooltip explaining its meaning.

For example:

Main pane

The main pane displays the calendar, including changes and time periods.


  • You can use the DAY, WEEK, and MONTH buttons on the toolbar to change the calendar display format.

    If View calendar by is set to DAY, the change calendar displays units of one hour.

    If View calendar by is set to WEEK or MONTH, the change calendar displays units of one day.

  • You can use the NOW button on the toolbar to scroll to the current time. This assumes the current time is within the calendar time range.

  • You can use the GO TO... button on the toolbar to go to the date of your choice.

  • You can use the Previous Previous buttonand Next Next buttonbuttons to go to the previous or next day, week, or month.

  • You can use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the main pane to scroll backwards and forwards through the calendar.

The calendar can display dates up to one month backwards and six months forward from the current date.


Each change is shown on the matching row of the calendar by a colored graphical representation ("representation") that is displayed from its start to end time. Scheduled downtime is highlighted within the change representation. A key for the change representation and downtime is displayed at the bottom of the calendar.

  • If the change has an owner, the avatar for that person is displayed to the left of the change representation.

  • If you point to the avatar, a popup window is displayed with brief details of the owner, and icons allowing you to send the owner an email, or start a discussion with the owner. For more information, see Discussions.

  • If the change representation is not visible, point to the change in the left pane and click the Scroll to change button Scroll to change.

  • If you point to the change representation in the calendar, a popup window is displayed with brief details of the change.

  • If a change is:

    • Approved and does not breach the change scheduling standards, an approved icon Approved icon is displayed.

    • Approved, but breaches the change scheduling standards, this icon is displayed: Approved change breaches scheduling standards.

    • Not approved, and breaches the change scheduling standards, this icon is displayed: Breach.

      For more information about the change scheduling standards, see Scheduling changes.

Time periods

  • Maintenance and blackout periods (or "windows") are shown with a colored highlight matching the legend in the footer.

  • If the change affects a service, and for that service there is a maintenance or blackout period, the relevant period is displayed in the row of the change.

  • If there is an overlap of a maintenance period with a blackout period, the calendar displays only the blackout period for the overlapping time.

  • To view information about a maintenance or blackout period:

    1. Select a change by clicking on its row.

    2. Click the calendar at the relevant time unit, on the row for which you want to view information.

      The time unit displayed is either an hour or a day depending on the View calendar by selection.

      The information is displayed in a popup window with a link to the time period record.

  • To view information about a holiday or event period:

    1. Holiday and event time periods are shown on the calendar header only as a solid line.

    2. Point to the solid line, and a tooltip is displayed with information about the time period.

You can turn off the display of time periods by clearing the appropriate check box in the footer.

If there is a time period that applies to a service, and there are no changes affecting the service, that time period does not display in the Change Calendar.

Right pane

The collapsible right pane displays a preview of the selected record when expanded.


The left side of the footer displays:

  • A legend for the different time periods. Here you can select which of the time periods are displayed in the main pane.

  • A Release option. You can select this to enable a drop-down that shows releases in the displayed time range, and all releases. For more information, see Releases and the Change Calendar.

The right side of the footer displays your time zone. The calendar displays all times according to your time zone.

Leaving the Change Calendar

When you leave Change Calendar, Service Management automatically preserves the following:

  • Filter (if any)

  • Sort by setting

  • Scale (Day, Week, or Month view)

Therefore, when you next view Change Calendar, these elements are in the same state as when you last viewed the calendar.

The original default settings are as follows:

  • The filter is set to display only changes which are active and scheduled to start in the next month.

  • The changes display in ascending chronological order by scheduled start time.

  • The calendar view is set to Week, with all time periods selected to display.

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