Integrate > Systems Insight Manager > Configure > Configuration Options

Configuration Options

This topic describes configurable options for integrating Systems Insight Manager events and topology with OpsCx for SIM. All options are preconfigured with default values you can modify. While basic options have their default values specified in the configuration files, the default values of advanced options are implicitly defined. To modify the value of an advanced option, manually add the option and its chosen value to a configuration file.

You can find integration configuration files in the <OvDataDir>/conf/HPBsmIntSIM directory on the Operations Connector host. They are plain text files. In a configuration file, in the nodes section, each option has a value that is assigned by using the following syntax:

"<OptionName>" : "<Value>"

If an appropriate option and its value are present but commented out, remove the comment delimiter // and modify the value as needed.

When adding an advanced option to the configuration file, make sure to add it to the appropriate subsection of the nodes section. Use the following syntax:

"<AdvancedOptionName>" : "<Value>",

After reconfiguring a OpsCx for SIM integration, restart the integration service as described in Restarting the Services topic.

Some option descriptions inside the configuration files might be incomplete or incorrect. Refer to this document for complete and correct information about configuration options.

Event Integration Options

The following tables list options in sim_events.conf—the event integration configuration file.

Basic Options

Option Name Description, (Default) Value
Subsection: source (eventsource)

Path of the file with a valid Lua script that processes SIM event data.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:


Seconds to wait after collecting the data.

Default value: 60


Additional search paths where OpsCx for SIM searches for Lua modules. Separate the paths with semicolons and use wildcard characters if needed. This option is used to set the global Lua variable package.path.

Windows default value:

Linux default file:


A path to a file with a time stamp of a last collected event.

Windows default value:

Linux default file:


File where already cleared event IDs are stored. Operations Connector always receives all cleared events from SIM, so it needs to compare the received events to the events listed in this file. This enables Operations Connector to distinguish between all and newly obtained cleared events.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:



The name of query for cleared events, which needs to be imported to the SIM system.

Default value: HPSIMInt_ClearedEvents_1_Day


Separator between clear event IDs in already_cleared_events_file.

Default value: |


Maximum age of events for the initial run. On the initial run (without having a time stamp file), the integration will fetch alerts with modification time stamp not older than the given age (in minutes).

Default value: 120

Subsection: source (backsyncsource)

SIM server event backward synchronization port number.

Default value: 30021

Subsection: sink (backsyncsink)

Path of the file with a valid Lua script that processes SIM event backward synchronization data.

Windows default value:

Linux default file:


Additional search paths where OpsCx for SIM searches for Lua modules for event backward synchronization. Separate the paths with semicolons and use wildcard characters if needed.

Windows default value:

Linux default file:

Subsection: processor (eventcopysplitter)

You may alter this option only to locally generate an event output file in the XML format for troubleshooting purposes. Follow the instructions in Troubleshooting the Collection of Events topic.

Default value: 0

Subsection: sink (wseventsink)

This option enables or disables secure communication using the SSL protocol.

Default value: true


String that specifies the web address to use in the REST Web Service communication between OpsCx for SIM and Operations Connector. Specify a valid URL string without the scheme name (protocol), hostname, and port.

Default value: /bsmc/rest/events/HPBsmIntSIM


Default port of Operations Connector policies of the REST Web Service Listener type. As long as you do not reconfigure Operations Connector, you may not alter this option.

Default value: 30005


Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of your Operations Connector host.

Default value: localhost


This option enables or disables a local file-based message buffering mechanism. When the mechanism is enabled, messages are delivered in any circumstance.

Default value: true


Path of the directory for persistency data files: an internal buffer for the not-yet-dispatched messages. You must create the directory in advance with the read and write access enabled.

Windows default value: ${OvDataDir}\tmp\HPBsmIntSIM\

Linux default value: /var/opt/OV/tmp/HPBsmIntSIM/


Size (in bytes) that a persistency data file must exceed to initiate the creation of a new data file.

Default value: 10240


Maximum number of persistency data files the message buffering mechanism maintains.

Default value: 10


You may not alter this option.

Default value: SIM-events


Time period (in seconds) that OpsCx for SIM waits before retrying to send the REST Web Service request. This option is ignored if the use-persistency basic option is set to false.

Default value: 30


User name used for authenticating against the REST Web Service endpoint on the Operations Connector host.

Default value: exampleauthusr


Password used for authenticating against the REST Web Service endpoint on the Operations Connector host.

Default value: exampleauthpass


You may not alter this option.

Value: sim_event_message

Subsection: sink (xmleventsink)

Path of the event output file to which OpsCx for SIM writes data. You do not have to create this file in advance.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:


Size (in kilobytes) that an output XML file must exceed to initiate an output file rollover (that is, creating a new file and redirecting output into it).

Default value: 10240


Maximum number of output XML files the rollover mechanism may maintain.

Default value: 10


Name of the root element in the event output XML file

Default value: sim_event_message

Advanced Options

Option Name Description, (Default) Value
Subsection: source (eventsource)

Seconds that OpsCx for SIM waits before invoking the Lua script again in case an error occurred during the previous script run.

Default value: 10


The option that, when set to true causes the Lua script to be executed only once or until the first successful completion

Default value: true


Additional search paths where OpsCx for IBM Tivoli searches for C libraries. Separate the paths with semicolons and use wildcard characters if needed.

Default value: (empty)

Subsection: sink (wseventsink)

Number of concurrent connections OpsCx for SIM should use for transferring event data to Operations Connector.

Default value: 5


Maximum number of messages that OpsCx for SIM should put into a single REST Web Service request.

Default value: 10


Path of the file that stores a valid CA certificate in the PEM format and which is used to verify the identity of the remote server. The certificate must contain the private key and the public key. The private key may not use a password. Although you can use different ways to obtain such certificate, Service provider strongly recommends that you use a certificate issued by a certificate authority (CA).

This option must be set when the use-ssl option in the sink (eventsinknode) subsection is set to true.

Default value: (empty)


The option that, when set to true, causes OpsCx for SIM to use the credentials specified for the auth-username and auth-password options to authenticate against the remote REST Web Service endpoint.

Enable secure communication by using the SSL protocol to prevent the authentication credentials from being sent unencrypted to the Operations Connector host.

Default value: false


The option that, when set to true, causes OpsCx for SIM to obtain the authentication credentials from the GenInt keystore rather than from the integration configuration file. In this case, the values of the auth‑username and auth‑password options are used as the credential string IDs inside the keystore.

Enable secure communication by using the SSL protocol to prevent the authentication credentials from being sent unencrypted to the Operations Connector host.

Default value: false

Subsection: sink (xmleventsink)

Time period (in seconds) that OpsCx for SIM waits before retrying the rollover.

Default value: 30

Topology Integration Options

The following tables list options in sim_topology.conf—the topology integration configuration file.

Basic Options

Option Name Description, (Default) Value
Subsection: source (topologysource)

Hostname of the SIM server.

Default value:


Port number of the SIM Web Service.

Default value: 280


Path of the file with a valid Lua script that processes the SIM topology data.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:


Seconds to wait after re-running the script.

Default value: 3600


Additional search paths where OpsCx for SIM searches for Lua modules. Separate the paths with semicolons and use wildcard characters if needed. This option is used to set the global Lua variable package.path.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:

Subsection: sink (sinktopo)

Path of the topology output file to which OpsCx for SIM writes data. You do not have to create this file in advance.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:

Subsection: processor (simselfdiscoveryprocess)

Path of the file with a valid Lua script that processes the SIM self-discovery topology data.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:


Script running interval in seconds.

Default value: 3600

Subsection: sink (simselfdiscoverysink)

Path of the self-discovery topology output file to which OpsCx for SIM writes data. You do not have to create this file in advance.

Windows default value:

Linux default value:

Advanced Options


Related topics

Event Integration Options

Restarting the Services

Troubleshooting the Collection of Events

Option Name Description, Default Value
Subsection: source (topologysource)
error-timeout See Event Integration Options topic.
single-run See Event Integration Options topic.
package-cpath See Event Integration Options topic.
Subsection: sink (sinktopo)
interval See Event Integration Options topic.
error-timeout See Event Integration Options topic.
single-run See Event Integration Options topic.
package-path See Event Integration Options topic.
package-cpath See Event Integration Options topic.
Subsection: processor (simselfdiscoveryprocess)
error-timeout See Event Integration Options topic.
single-run See Event Integration Options topic.
package-path See Event Integration Options topic.
package-cpath See Event Integration Options topic.
Subsection: sink (selfdiscoverysink)

Name of the temporary file used as a buffer while waiting for the next topology data block. If the time period configured with the message-timeout option expires before the next data block arrives, the buffered data overwrites the topology output file, and the buffer is flushed.

The <filename> variable is automatically replaced with the value of the filename option.

Default value: <filename>.tmp


Time period (in seconds) that OpsCx for SIM BSM Connector waits for the next topology data block before overwriting the topology output file with the received data that is already in the buffer.

Default value: 10