Integrate > Systems Insight Manager > Configure > Configure Event Collection

Configure Event Collection

To integrate Systems Insight Manager events into OMi, perform the following steps on your Operations Connector host:

  1. Change the current directory to <OvDataDir>/conf/HPBsmIntSIM and open the event integration configuration file in a plain text editor.

  2. In the configuration file, replace the values in quotation marks in the lines of the following options:

    • sim_server_hostname: Configure the hostname or IP address of SIM server system.

  3. Review the preconfigured values of basic configuration options and adjust them as needed. Add and configure advanced options if necessary. For descriptions of basic and advanced options, see Integration Configuration Options topic.

  4. Save your changes.

  5. Review the policy to make sure its settings are proper for your Operations Connector configuration.

  6. From the Operations Connector web interface, activate the policies.

  7. Import the cleared events query to the SIM system as described in Importing the Cleared Events Query topic.

  8. To start the event integration service, run the following command:

    ovc -start sime

    Startup of the service initiates event collection from SIM and forwarding of the events to OMi.

Verify your connection settings by checking the contents of the directory for persistency data files on the Operations Connector host. The path of the directory is defined by the persistency-dir option in the event integration configuration file. If the directory is empty or its contents do not appear to be updated, check the corresponding Operations Connector log file. For details, see Log Files topic.

If you deactivate the policy for SIM events, events continue to be collected while the policy remains inactive after the deactivation. The processing and forwarding of accumulated events resumes when you reactivate the policy.

Importing and Modifying Cleared Events Query

Cleared events query filters all the events received from the SIM system, so that only up to one day old cleared events are received by default. However, you can modify the age limit of received events by modifying the query.

To import the cleared events query, follow the procedure:

  1. From the <OvDataDir>/installation/HPBsmIntSIM/query/ directory on the Operations Connector system, copy the HPSIMInt_ClearedEventsQuery.xml file to any location on SIM host.

  2. In your command-line utility, navigate to the path where SIM binaries are located, and enter the following command:

    mxquery -a -f Path_To_HPSIMInt_ClearedEventsQuery.xml

    No output indicates that the query is imported.

  3. To make sure the query is imported, use mxquery command. The new query should be listed in the output.

Optionally, to modify the age limit of cleared events received from the web service, follow the procedure:

  1. Stop the event integration service.
  2. Open the HPSIMInt_ClearedEventsQuery.xml file on the SIM system.
  3. Find the attribute value operator="newer-than", and replace the value 1 by the number of days for which to clear the events.
  4. Use the following command:

    • If query is already imported:

      myquery -m -f HPSIMInt_ClearedEventsQuery.xml

    • If query is not imported yet:

      mxquery -a -f Path_To_HPSIMInt_ClearedEventsQuery.xml

  5. Start the event integration service.

Related topics

Configuration Options

Importing and Modifying Cleared Events Query

Product Log Files