Integrate > Icinga > Configure > Configuring Operations Connector for High Availability

Configuring Operations Connector for High Availability

Please skip this section if you do not want to use OpsCx for Icinga in HA mode.

When you run third-party domain managers in high-availability (HA) mode, OpsCx may need to support high availability to increase resilience against unplanned server outages and to achieve a zero-downtime data integration flow.

You can improve your system availability and reliability using high availability options that combine multiple servers and fail-over procedures. Implementing a high availability configuration means setting up your OpsCx servers cluster so that service is continuous despite power outages, machine downtime, and heavy load. Customers who run third-party domain managers in a high-availability mode require the OpsCx integration framework to support HA as well.

Enabling High Availability

To enable High Availability feature, at least two nodes of Operations Connector systems must be available.

Create HA Cluster with Operations Connector Installed Nodes

To create HA cluster with Operations Connector installed nodes, perform the following:

  1. Log on to the OMi console.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Setup and Maintenance > Connected Servers

  3. In the Connected Servers pane, click New... and select Operations Connector.

    The Create Operations Connector Server dialog box appears.

  4. In the General tab, type the cluster name in the Display label field. The values are automatically populated in the Identifier field.

  5. In the Server Properties tab, type the fully qualified domain name of cluster nodes in the Servers field, and click Add to add it to the list of servers.
  6. In Event Drilldown section, type the complete URL used for the drill down to the server.
  7. Scroll down and in Test Connection section, click Run Test to test the connection for the selected server.

  8. Click Create. The cluster is successfully added to OMi.

  9. On the Operations Connector system, run the following commands to check the connectivity with OMi:

    bbcutil -ping https://<FQDN name of OMI GW server>

    bbcutil -ping https://<FQDN name of GW server>/com.hp.ov.opc.msgr/

Deploy Management Template to HA cluster

To deploy management template to a HA cluster, perform the following:

  1. Log on to the OMi console.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Monitoring > Management Templates & Aspects
  3. In the Configuration Folders pane, expand Configuration Folders > Operations Connector > ICINGA and select Management Templates.

  4. In the Management Templates & Aspects pane, select Operations Connector for Icinga Management Template, and click Assign and Deploy Item.

    The Assign and Deploy dialog box appears.

  5. Select the cluster name to which you want to assign the management template or aspect.
  6. Click Next, and then click Finish.

    On successful deployment of the management template, the policies are received on the OpsCx servers. The Zero Downtime component in the cluster network coordinates the activation state of the elements defined in the Operations Connector HA package policies.

    Icinga Aspects consists of policies and Icinga services. For any changes in policies, modify the Icinga aspect and deploy it again.