Integrate > Icinga > Configure > Installing the Event Backward Synchronization Script

Installing the Event Backward Synchronization Script

For backward synchronization of event resolution states, OpsCx for Icinga uses two Perl scripts for acknowledgment of events in Icinga.

To make the Backward Synchronization components available to Operations Connector, perform these steps on the Operations Connector host:

The following steps should be performed as a root/administrator user.

  1. Open a Command Prompt window (command shell) with administrative privileges.

  2. Stop the event backward synchronization process:

    ovc -stop ombacksync

  3. Go to the instrumentation folder using the following command:

    For Linux: cd /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation/

    For Windows: cd %OvDataDir%\bin\instrumentation

  4. From the instrumentation folder, run the following command:

    For Linux: /opt/OV/nonOV/perl/a/bin/perl

    For Windows: "%OvInstallDir%\nonOV\perl\a\bin\perl.exe"

    The message Successfully Completed appears.

  5. Start the event backward synchronization process:

    ovc -start ombacksync