Integrate > Zabbix > Troubleshoot > Product Log Files

Product Log Files

OpsCx for Zabbix records actions performed by its services into log files. Occurrences of unexpected behavior are also added as entries into the log files. You can use the logged information to investigate issues.

Log Files Location

OpsCx for Zabbix creates and maintains the following log files:

Windows: %OvDataDir%log\HPBsmIntZabbix\zabbix_[events|metrics|topology].%d.log

Linux: /var/opt/OV/log/HPBsmIntZabbix/zabbix_[events|metrics|topology].%d.log

where %d is the date. Log files are added each day and kept for seven days by default.

  1. Change current directory and open the appropriate integration configuration file in a plain text editor:









  2. In the genintd section, uncomment and change the value of the log-file option.

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Restart the affected integration service as described in Managing the Integration Services topic.

Logging Severity Levels

Log entries have different severity levels. In OpsCx for Zabbix, the following levels are available:

Severity Level Keyword Meaning
0 No Log logging is disabled
1 Error, Config errors, current values of integration configuration options
2 Info, Warning information messages, warnings
3 Trace tracing (debugging) messages

By default, the logging severity level is set to 1, which means only errors and configuration-related messages are logged. For troubleshooting purposes, you can change the level.

When a particular logging level is set, it causes messages with lower severity level to be recorded as well. For example, if the severity level is set to 2, information messages, warnings, errors, and configuration-related messages are logged, but tracing messages are not.

To change the logging severity level for a particular integrated Zabbix entity type, perform these steps:

  1. Change current directory and open the appropriate integration configuration file in a plain text editor.

  2. In the genintd section, perform the following:

    1. Uncomment the line with the log-level option.

    2. In the line that contains the log-level option, replace the value placeholder inside double quotes ("...") with the chosen logging severity level.

    For example, to change the logging severity level from the default level to 2, change the line

    //, "log-level" : "3"


    , "log-level" : "2"

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Restart the affected integration service as described in Managing the Integration Services topic.

Related topics

Managing the Integration Services