Use > Collecting Topology Data > Topology-XML Policies and Local Topology Synchronization

Topology Policies and Topology Synchronization

Topology synchronization enables you to filter the discovered data on the Operations Connector system before sending it to OMi for further processing and mapping on the discovery server.

The discovered data must be available in an XML format that conforms to the Operations Connector topology discovery syntax. To create the XML, write a discovery script or program (using your preferred scripting or programming language) that generates the XML file.

The XML file or REST Web Service topology policy then reads the XML data. Data from the discovery XML can be either sent to RTSM directly (if it complies to the RTSM data model and is marked correctly) or transformed with mapping rules to CIs and CI relations that comply with the RTSM data model.

To configure the transformation, create a topology synchronization package and include the necessary mapping rules. You then configure the XML or REST Web Service topology policy to apply the synchronization package to the discovery XML file.

Delta detection

A delta file is the difference between the input file and the data in the repository and includes only the minimum of information about the changes: new and changed instances and relations and instances and relations that need to be deleted. Instances are deleted only if they reach their aging limit.

If delta discovery is not enabled, no delta detection is done and the incoming topology file is directly sent to the topology server.

Aging of topology items

If an instance is not reported on several runs in a row, it will age, that is it will be marked with a counter. The counter goes up each time when the algorithm is running (this depends on the interval and the last time the file was written or sent via web service).

Once the aging limit (number of runs when it was not found) is reached, the instance will be deleted. You can configure the aging limit in the policy.

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Configuring the Data Source in XML File Policies