Use > Collecting Topology Data > Sending Topology Data Directly to RTSM

Send Topology Data Directly to RTSM

For simple topologies, you can directly map data from the discovery XML to RTSM, without the need to provide a sync package.

  1. Create a script (or program) that runs on the Operations Connector server and discovers configuration items (CIs) and CI relations. This discovery script must write details of each discovered CI in XML to a file on the Operations Connector system or send it through the REST Web Service. For details on the XML syntax, see Topology Discovery Syntax topic.

    Setting Instance Attributes

    To make sure that data is mapped directly to RTSM, you must set the following attributes for the instance you want to map:

    • hpom_citype

      Sets the CI type as stored in the RTSM.

    • ucmdb_<CI_attribute_name>

      Attribute names with the prefix ucmdb_ map directly to CI attributes in RTSM. For example, ucmdb_primary_dns_name maps to the CI attribute primary_dns_name.


        <Attribute name="hpom_citype" value="<CIType>"/>
        <Attribute name="hpom_discoTarget" value="BSM"/>
        <Attribute name="ucmdb_<CI_attribut_name>" value="<CIValue>"/>


    In the following example, the CI type set to "host_node" and the attributes "name" and "primary_dns_name" are mapped to the corresponding CI attributes in RTSM.

    <NewInstance ref="">
            <Attribute name="hpom_citype" value="host_node"/>
            <Attribute name="hpom_discoTarget" value="BSM"/>
            <Attribute name="ucmdb_name" value="server3"/>
            <Attribute name="ucmdb_primary_dns_name" value=""/>
            <Attribute name="ucmdb_data_externalid" value=""/>

    In the following example, the CI type set to "sqlserver" and the attributes "name", "database_dbsid", and "discovered_product_name" are mapped to the corresponding CI attributes in RTSM.

    <NewInstance ref="">
        <Virtual />
            <Attribute name="hpom_citype" value="sqlserver" />
            <Attribute name="hpom_discoTarget" value="BSM" />
            <Attribute name="ucmdb_name" value="MSSQLSERVER" />
            <Attribute name="ucmdb_database_dbsid" value="MSSQLSERVER" />
            <Attribute name="ucmdb_discovered_product_name" value="mssqlserver" />
            <Attribute name="ucmdb_data_externalid" value="" />

    Setting the Relations Type

    Make sure the relations type does not have the prefix omrel_.

    For example, the relation type "composition" should be set like:

            <Instance ref=""/>
            <Relations type="composition">
                <Instance ref=""/>
  2. Create a topology XML or Rest Web Service policy.

Related topics

Topology Discovery Syntax

Configuring Topology Through the REST Web Service Listener

How to Collect Topology Data from XML Files