Pytwist examples

The Python code examples in this section show how to get information from managed servers, create folders, and remediate software policies. Each Pytwist example performs the following operations:

  1. Import the packages.

    When importing objects of the SA API name space, such as Filter, the path includes the Java package name, preceded by pytwist. Here are the import statements for the example:

    import sys
    from pytwist import *
    from import Filter
  2. Create the TwistServer object:
    ts = twistserver.TwistServer()

    See TwistServer method syntax for information about the method’s arguments.
  3. Get a reference to the service.

    The Python package name of the service is the same as the Java package name, but without the leading For example, the Java com.opsware.server.ServerService package maps to the Pytwist server.ServerService:

    serverservice = ts.server.ServerService
  4. Invoke the SA API methods of the service:
    filter = Filter()
    . . .
    servers = serverservice.findServerRefs(filter)
    . . .
    for server in servers: vo = serverservice.getServerVO(server)
    . . .

This script searches for all managed servers with host names containing the command-line argument. The search method, findServerRefs, returns an array of references to server persistent objects. For each reference, the getServerVO method returns the value object (VO), which is the data representation that holds the server’s attributes. Here is the code for the script:


# Search for servers by partial hostname.

import sys
from pytwist import *
from import Filter

# Check for the command-line argument.
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
	print "You must specify part of the hostname as the search target."
	print "Example: " + sys.argv[0] + " " + ""
# Construct a search filter.
filter = Filter()
filter.expression = 'device_hostname *=* "%s" ' % (sys.argv[1])

# Create a TwistServer object.
ts = twistserver.TwistServer()

# Get a reference to ServerService.
serverservice = ts.server.ServerService

# Perform the search, returning a tuple of references.
servers = serverservice.findServerRefs(filter)

if len(servers) < 1:
	print "No matching servers found"

# For each server found, get the server’s value object (VO)
# and print some of the VO’s attributes.
for server in servers:
	vo = serverservice.getServerVO(server)
	print "Name: " +	
	print "Management IP: " + vo.managementIP
	print "OS Version: " + vo.osVersion

This script creates a folder named /TestA/TestB by invoking the createPath method. Note that the path parameter of createPath does not contain slashes. Each string element in path indicates a level in the folder. Next, the script retrieves and prints the names of all folders directly below the root folder. The listing for the script follows:


# Create a folder in SA.

import sys
from pytwist import *

# Create a TwistServer object.
ts = twistserver.TwistServer()

# Get a reference to FolderService.
folderservice = ts.folder.FolderService

# Get a reference to the root folder.
rootfolder = folderservice.getRoot()
# Construct the path of the new folder.
path = 'TestA', 'TestB'

# Create the folder /TestA/TestB relative to the root.
folderservice.createPath(rootfolder, path)

# Get the child folders of the root folder.
rootchildren = folderservice.getChildren(rootfolder,

# Print the names of the child folders.
for child in rootchildren:
	vo = folderservice.getFolderVO(child)

This script creates a software policy, attaches it to a server, and then remediates the policy. Several names are hard-coded in the script: the platform, server, and parent folder. Optionally, you can specify the policy name on the command-line, which is convenient if you run the script multiple times. The platform of the software policy must match the OS of the packages contained in the policy. Therefore, if you change the hard-coded platform name, then you also change the name in unitfilter.expression.

The following listing has several bad line breaks. If you copy this code, be sure to fix the bad line breaks before running it. The comment lines beginning with "NOTE" point out the bad line breaks.


# Create, attach, and remediate a software policy.

import sys
from pytwist import *
from import Filter
from import SoftwarePolicyVO

# Initialize the names used by this script.
foldername = 'TestB'
platformname = 'Windows 2003'
servername = ''
# If a command-line argument is specified,
# use it as the policy name
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
	policyname = sys.argv[1]
	policyname = 'TestPolicyA'

# Create a TwistServer object.
ts = twistserver.TwistServer()
ts.authenticate("SAUser", "SAPassword")

# Get the references to the services used by this script.
folderservice = ts.folder.FolderService
swpolicyservice = ts.swmgmt.SoftwarePolicyService
serverservice = ts.server.ServerService
unitservice = ts.pkg.UnitService
platformservice = ts.device.PlatformService

# Search for the folder that will contain the policy.
folderfilter = Filter()
folderfilter.expression = ' = %s' % foldername
folderrefs = folderservice.findFolderRefs(folderfilter)
if len(folderrefs) == 1:
	parent = folderrefs[0]
elif len(folderrefs) < 1:
	print "No matching folders found."
	print "Non-unique folder name: " + foldername
# Search for the reference to the platform "Windows Server 2003."
platformfilter = Filter()
platformfilter.objectType = 'platform'
# Because the platform name contains spaces,
# it’s enclosed in double quotes
# NOTE: The following code line has a bad line break.
# The assignment statement should be on a single line.
platformfilter.expression = 'platform_name = "%s"' % platformname
platformrefs = platformservice.findPlatformRefs(platformfilter)

if len(platformrefs) == 0:
	print "No matching platforms found."

# Search for the references to some software packages.
unitfilter = Filter()
unitfilter.objectType = 'software_unit'
# NOTE: The following code line has a bad line break.
# The assignment statement should be on a single line.
unitfilter.expression = '((UnitVO.unitType = "MSI") & ( contains
"ismtool" ) & ( software_platform_name = "Windows 2003" ))'
unitrefs = unitservice.findUnitRefs(unitfilter)

# Create a value object for the new software policy.
vo = SoftwarePolicyVO() = policyname
vo.folder = parent
vo.platforms = platformrefs
vo.softwarePolicyItems = unitrefs

# Create the software policy.
swpolicyvo = swpolicyservice.create(vo)

# Search by hostname for the reference to a managed server.
serverfilter = Filter()
serverfilter.objectType = 'server'
# NOTE: The following code line has a bad line break.
# The assignment statement should be on a single line.
serverfilter.expression = 'ServerVO.hostname = %s' % servername
serverrefs = serverservice.findServerRefs(serverfilter)

if len(serverrefs) == 0:
	print "No matching servers found."

# Create an array that has a reference to the
# newly created policy.
swpolicyrefs = [1]
swpolicyrefs[0] = swpolicyvo.ref

# Attach the software policy to the server.
swpolicyservice.attachToPolicies(swpolicyrefs, serverrefs)

# Remediate the policy and the server.
# NOTE: The following code line has a bad line break.
# The assignment statement should be on a single line.
jobref = swpolicyservice.startRemediateNow(swpolicyrefs, serverrefs)
print "The remediation job ID is %d" %