Administer > Content utilities > Exporting filters

Exporting filters

An export filter is a user-specified rule that tells DET what content to export — content that will subsequently be imported. Export filters are used with the following content types:

Example: Exporting a filter file

DET reads export filters in a specified filter file. The filter file is encoded in RDF/XML. The following is an example of a simple filter file that contains a single export filter rule.

1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

2. <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [

3. <!ENTITY filter "">

4. ]>

5. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

6. xmlns="">

7. <PackageFilter rdf:ID="exportPackages">

8. <packageType rdf:resource="&filter;RPM"/>

9. <packageName>software1.0.0-1.rpm</packageName>

10. </PackageFilter>

11. </rdf:RDF>

This example shows the standard filter headers in lines 1 through 6. These lines are the same in every filter, as is Line 11, which is the standard filter footer.

Lines 7 through 10 are the lines that are unique in each filter and indicate the specific function of the filter.

In the example above, there is just one export filter rule. However, filters can contain any number of unique filters between the standard header and footer lines. For example, this filter contains three export filter rules:

1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

2. <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF [

3. <!ENTITY filter "">

4. ]>

5. <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

6. xmlns="">

7. <PackageFilter rdf:ID="pkg1">

8. <packageType rdf:resource="&filter;RPM"/>

9. <packageName>software1.0.0-1.rpm</packageName>

10. </PackageFilter>

11. <PackageFilter rdf:ID="pkg2">

12. <packageType rdf:resource="&filter;ZIP"/>

13. </PackageFilter>

14. <CustomExtensionFilter rdf:ID="exportCustExtBulkPasswd">

15. <scriptName>Bulk_Password_Changes</scriptName>

16. <CustomExtensionFilter/>

17. </rdf:RDF>

Example filters can be found in the DET install directory under:


This directory includes examples for each filter type and also an all.rdf filter, that exports all known SA data types from an SA mesh.

Running CBT export commands requires specifying the absolute path for the selected filter. For example:

cbt -e /tmp -f /opt/opsware/cbt/filters/filter.rdf

The following sections describe each filter type and their allowed parameters. In general, filter types map to an object type that can be manipulated in the SA Client. The Patch Filter, for example, maps to the SA Client patch object.

Application Configuration export filter

The Application Configuration export filter tells DET what Application Configurations you want to export. An Application Configuration is a container for one or more Application Configuration Template files. Thus, if you export an Application Configuration, you will also be exporting all template files inside it.

Application Configuration export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format rdf:ID=“unique name"

Application Configuration export filter nested elements



configurationName (optional)

An optional element that specifies the name of the Application Configuration. Use this if you want to export specific Application Configurations by name.

customerName (optional)

An optional element that specifies to export all Application Configurations that have been associated with the specified customer.

osPlatform rdf:resource (optional)

An optional element that specifies to export all Application Configurations that have been associated with the specified OS.

Application Configuration export filter example

Export all Application Configurations.

<ApplicationConfigurationFilter rdf:ID="getAllAppConfigs"/>

Export only the Application Configuration named “iPlanet" that is customer independent and that has been associated with the SunOS 5.8 operating system.

<ApplicationConfigurationFilter rdf:ID="getSpecificAppConfigs">
	<customerName>Customer Independent</customerName>
	<osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;SunOS_5.8"/> 

Application Configuration Template export filter

The Application Configuration Template export filter tells DET what Application Configuration Template files you want to export.

Application Configuration Template export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format rdf:ID=“unique name"

Application Configuration Template export filter nested elements



configurationFileName (optional)

An optional element that specifies the name of the Application Configuration Template. Use this if you want to export specific Application Configuration Templates by name.

osPlatform rdf:resource (optional)

An optional element that specifies to export all Application Configurations that have been associated with the specified OS.



An optional element that specifies to export all Application Configuration Templates that have been associated with the specified customer.

Application Configuration Template export filter examples

Export all Application Configuration Templates.

<ApplicationConfigurationFileFilter rdf:ID="getAllAppConfigTemps"/>

Export the specific Application Configuration Template named “iplanet6.1_mimetypes.tpl" that is customer independent and is associated with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3 X86_64 operating system.

<ApplicationConfigurationFileFilter rdf:ID="getSpecificAppConfigTemp">	
	<customerName>Customer Independent</customerName>
	<osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_AS_3_X86_64"/>	

Audit filter

The audit filter tells DET which audit to export from an SA core/mesh so that you can then import it into another SA core/mesh.

Audit filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Audit Filter nested elements



auditPolicyName (optional)

The name of the audit policy that you want to export.

clearSource (optional)

Used to specify whether the source of the audit policy should be deleted in the exported content or not.

Possible values: Yes or N


<clearSource rdf:resource="&filter;Yes"/>

<clearSource rdf:resource="&filter;No"/>

osType ( optional )

Used to specify to export all Audit policies that have been associated with the specified OS.

Possible values: Windows or Unix


<osType rdf:resource="&filter;Windows"/>

<osType rdf:resource="&filter;Unix"/>

preserveExceptions (optional)

Use to specify whether audit exceptions will be deleted when the audit policy is re-imported.

Possible values: Yes or No


<preserveExceptions rdf:resource="&filter;Yes"/>

<preserveExceptions rdf:resource="&filter;No"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <!ENTITY filter "">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<AuditPolicyFilter rdf:ID="apf1">
 <auditPolicyName>My Audit Policy</auditPolicyName>

Custom extension export filter

The custom extension export filter tells DET to either export a specific custom extension or all custom extensions. If you want to export more than one custom extension, but not all, create a filter for each custom extension you want to export.

Custom extension export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".


Custom extension export filter nested elements



scriptName (optional)

An optional element that specifies a script to export. The script name does not include the account prefix. If this element is omitted, all custom extension scripts are exported.

Custom extension export filter examples

Export the Bulk_Password_Changes custom extension script only.

<CustomExtensionFilter rdf:ID="exportCustExtBulkPasswd">

Export all custom extension scripts.

<CustomExtensionFilter rdf:ID="exportAllCustExtScripts"/>

Custom fields schema export filter

The custom fields schema export filter tells DET to export all custom fields definitions from a mesh.

Custom Fields Schema Export Filter Parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Custom field schema export filter example

Export all custom field definitions from a mesh:

<CustomFieldSchemaFilter rdf:ID="getCustomFieldsSchema"/>

Customer export filter

The customer export filter tells DET to export all or specific customers from a mesh.

Customer Export Filter Parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Customer Export Filter Nested Elements



customerName (optional)

An optional element that specifies a unique customer to export.

Customer export filter example

Export the all customers from a mesh:

<CustomerFilter rdf:ID="exportAllCustomers"/>

Export Customer named “Acme Computers" from a mesh:

<CustomerFilter rdf:ID="exportAcmeCustomer">
 <customerName>Acme Computers</customerName>

Folder export filter

The folder filter tells DET to either export a specific Folder, including the following items that are associated with or contained in the folder:

  • Application Configuration Templates
  • Application Configurations
  • Attributes and custom attributes
  • Contained audit policies
  • Contained OS Build Plans
  • Contained OS sequences
  • Contained packages
  • Contained scripts
  • Contained software policies
  • FolderACLs referencing user groups by name (user groups not exported).
  • Placeholders for all folders along the path to the specified Folder
  • Subfolders (optional)

Folder export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name"

Folder export filter nested elements



path (required)

A required element that specifies the folder path.

recursive (optional)

An optional element that specifies the export of sub-folders.

Folder export filter examples

For example, suppose the following folder hierarchy.


The following examples list which folders are exported given the preceding folder hierarchy.

Export folder A:

<FolderFilter rdf:ID="f1
 <recursive rdf:resource="&filter;No"/>

Export folder B:

<FolderFilter rdf:ID="f1">

Export folders A and B:

<FolderFilter rdf:ID="f1">
<recursive rdf:resource="&filter;Yes"/>

Export folders A and B:

<FolderFilter rdf:ID="f1">
 <recursive rdf:resource="&filter;Yes"/>

OS Build Plan export filters

The OS Build Plan export filter tells DET what OS Build Plans to export.

OS Build Plan export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format rdf:ID=“unique name".


OS Build Plan export filter nested elements



osBuildPlanName (optional)

The name of the OS build plan to export.

folderName (optional)

The name of the folder containing the OS Build Plans to export.

Note The folderName nested element refers to a folder name and not to a folder path. All folders with the given name will be taken into consideration when executing an OS Build Plan filter with the folderName nested element.

OS Build Plan export filter examples

Exports all OS Build Plans:

<OSBuildPlanFilter rdf:ID="osbp1"/>

Export all OS Build Plans with “OS Build Plan 1” name:

<OSBuildPlanFilter rdf:ID="osbp2">
 <osBuildPlanName>OS Build Plan 1</osBuildPlanName>

Export all OS Build Plans located in “Build Plan Folder” folder:

<OSBuildPlanFilter rdf:ID="osbp3">
 <folderName>Build Plan Folder</folderName>

OS export filter

The Operating System export filter tells DET what Operating System node or Operating System type to export.

OS Export Filter Parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".


OS Export Filter Nested Elements



osName (optional)

The name of the OS assigned by the user in the SA Client.

osPlatform (required)

A required nested element. This empty element has an rdf:resource parameter. This parameter may refer to one of the supported operating systems listed in the SA 10.50 Support and compatibility Matrix.

OS export filter examples

Export the “7.1 for mwp" Red Hat Linux 7.1 OS.

<OSFilter rdf:ID="exportOSRHLinux71">
 <osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;Red_Hat_Linux_7.1"/>
 <osName>7.1 for mwp</osName>
</OSFilter>Export all Solaris 5.6 operating systems.
<OSFilter rdf:ID="exportOSSun56">
 <osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;SunOS_5.6"/>

Package export filter

The package export filter tells DET to export all or specified packages from a mesh. A placeholder for the containing folder is exported. Placeholders for all folders on the path to the containing folder are also exported.

For Microsoft hotfixes and service packs, it is possible that the Microsoft package you want to export has not yet had its binary file uploaded, even though the package shows as existing in the mesh. For example, a user may have uploaded the Microsoft Patch Database to the mesh, but not yet uploaded the actual binary file of the package In this case, a unit record for the package will have been created in the SA model, but there is no content to export. In this case, if you try to export the package content using the Package Export Filter, the content of the Microsoft package will not be exported.

Package Export Filter Parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".


Package export filter nested elements



packageType (required)

A required element that specifies the package type you want to export. This parameter may refer to one of the following package types:

  • AIX_Base_Fileset
  • AIX_Update_Fileset
  • APAR
  • Build_Customization_Script
  • Chef_Cookbook
  • DEB
  • HPUX_Depot
  • HPUX_Fileset
  • HPUX_Patch_Fileset
  • HPUX_Patch_Product
  • HPUX_Product
  • Relocatable_ZIP
  • RPM
  • Solaris_Package
  • Solaris_Package_Instance
  • Solaris_Patch
  • Solaris_Patch_Cluster
  • Unknown
  • Windows_Hotfix
  • Windows_MSI
  • Windows_OS_Service_Pack
  • Windows_Update_Rollup
  • ZIP

packageName (optional)

An optional element that allows you to specify a named package. The name of the package is the Name field as it appears in the Package Properties page in the SA Client, not the filename of the package.

osPlatform (optional)

An optional element that allows you to specify the operating system of a named package. This parameter may refer to one of the supported operating systems listed in the SA 10.50 Support Matrix.

customerName (optional)

An optional element that allows you to specify the customer of a named package.

Package export filter example

Export all RPM packages associated to platform SunOS_5.8:

<PackageFilter rdf:ID="exportCIPackages">
   <packageType rdf:resource="&filter;RPM"/>
   <osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;SunOS_5.8"/

A relocatable ZIP file can be installed into different locations on a single server. Because the name of a relocatable ZIP file is the same as that of its parent ZIP file, specifying one will export all relocatable versions of that ZIP file. For example, suppose the ZIP file hierarchy is as follows:

ZIP (SunOS 5.8)

  • Relocatable ZIP installed in /foo.
  • Relocatable ZIP installed in /bar.

For the preceding ZIP file hierarchy, with the following filter, both relocatable ZIP files will be exported (/foo and /bar).

<PackageFilter rdf:ID="p1">
   <packageType rdf:resource="&filter;Relocatable_ZIP"/>   <packageName></packageName>
   <osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;SunOS_5.8"/></PackageFilter>

Patch export filter

The patch export filter tells DET what patch or patch type to export.

For Windows patch content that was defined previous to DET 2.5, make sure that the Windows MBSA patch definitions are the same for both the source mesh and the destination mesh, or undefined Windows patches will not get imported.

Patch export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Patch filter nested elements



patchType (required)

A required nested element that has an rdf:resource parameter. This parameter can refer to one of the following patch types:

  • APAR
  • AIX_Update_Fileset
  • HPUX_Patch_Product
  • HPUX_Patch_Fileset
  • Solaris_Patch
  • Solaris_Patch_Cluster
  • Windows_Hotfix
  • Windows_OS_Service_Pack
  • Microsoft_Patch_Database

patchName (optional)

An optional element that specifies the name of a specific patch. The name must be the patch unit_name, which is the name shown in the SA Client.

patchLocale (optional)

The locale, which identifies the language of the Windows patch. This element is ignored for non-Windows patches.

Examples of values for this element are en, ja, and ko. These values represent English, Japanese, and Korean. English is the default.

Patch filter examples

Export the IY13260 APAR.

<PatchFilter rdf:ID="exportAPARIY13260">
   <patchType rdf:resource="&filter;APAR"/>

Export all Solaris patches.

<PatchFilter rdf:ID="exportSolPatches">
   <patchType rdf:resource="&filter;SOL_PATCH"/>

Export the patch named Q123456 for the Japanese locale.

<PatchFilter rdf:ID="pf1">

Patch policy export filter

The patch policy export filter tells DET what user-defined patch policy to export. (Vendor recommended policies will not be exported.)

The optional nested elements <patchPolicyName> and <osPlatform> can be specified to filter for a specific patch policy. If no optional nested elements are specified, all patch policies in the target mesh are exported.

The Patch Policy filter will not export Solaris Patch Policies. In order to export Solaris Patch Policies, you must export the parent folder using a Folder Export filter. See Folder export filter for more information.

Patch policy export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".


Patch policy export filter nested elements




An optional element that specifies the unique name of the patch policy.


An optional element that specifies a specific operating system of the patch policy using an rdf:resource parameter. This parameter can refer to one of the supported Windows operating systems using the following syntax:

<OS>_<Version>_<Revision(if applicable)>_<Architecture>

For example, for Windows 2008 R2 IA64, the valid OS Platform attribute would be Windows_2008_R2_IA64. Other examples of platforms would be Windows_2008_R2_x64, Windows_2012_R2_x64, and so on.

preserveExceptions (optional)

An optional element useful when you have an AuditPolicy (with some rules) attached to an Audit, and some exceptions specified on the rules.

If the AuditPolicy is exported, modified and re-imported, the exceptions are deleted if preserveExceptions is missing or set to "No", and they are not deleted if preserveExceptions is set to "Yes".


<preserveExceptions rdf:resource="&filter;Yes"/>

<preserveExceptions rdf:resource="&filter;No"/>

Patch policy export filter examples

Export all patch policies from the target mesh:

<PatchPolicyFilter rdf:ID="PatchPolicies1"/>

Export only the patch policies named “BestWindowsPoliciesNT" on the Windows NT 4.0 operating system, and “BestWindowsPolicies2003" on the Windows 2003 operating system:

<PatchPolicyFilter rdf:ID="PatchPolicies2"/>
  <osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;Windows_NT_4.0/>

<PatchPolicyFilter rdf:ID="PatchPolicies3"/>
  <osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;Windows_2003"/>

Export all Patch Policies for the Windows 2003 operating system:

<PatchPolicyFilter rdf:ID="PatchPolicies4"/>
  <osPlatform rdf:resource="&filter;Windows_2003"/>

Script export filter

Scripts can only be exported by exporting their parent folder. See Folder export filter for more information.

Server Compliance Criteria (Audit Policies) export filter

The Server Compliance Criteria export filter instructs DET what Audit Policies you want to export.

Server Compliance Criteria export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format rdf:ID=“unique name"

Server Compliance Criteria filter nested elements



selectionCriteriaNam (optional)

Used to specify the name of the Audit Policy. Use this if you want to export specific Audit Policy by name.

osType rdf:resource (optional)

Used to specify exporting all Audit Policies that have been associated with the specified OS.

Possible values: Windows or Unix



<osType rdf:resource="&filter;Unix"/>

clearSource (optional)

Used to specify if the source of the Audit Policy should be deleted in the exported content or not.

Possible values: Yes or No


<clearSource rdf:resource="&filter;Yes"/>

<clearSource rdf:resource="&filter;No"/>

Server Compliance Criteria export filter examples

Export all Audit Policies.

<ComplianceSelectionCriteriaFilter rdf:ID="getAllSelectionCriteria"/>

Export the specific Audit Policy named “My Audit Policy" that has been associated with the Windows operating system.

<ComplianceSelectionCriteriaFilter rdf:ID="getSpecificSelectionCriteria">
  <selectionCriteriaName>My Audit Policy</selectionCriteriaName>
 <osType rdf:resource="&filter;Windows"/>

Server (device) group export filter

The server groups export filter tells DET to export specified server groups from a mesh.

Server group export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Server group filter nested elements



path (required)

A required element that specifies the name of the server group to export.

directive (required)

A required empty content element with a single rdf:resource parameter. Allows you to specify the contents of the groups to export. The parameter refers to one of three constants:

Node: Exports only the leaf node of the path, but create empty placeholders (name and description, no rules) down the path if the path doesn't already exist.

Path: Exports all groups along the path (name, description, and rules) but not the descendants.

Descendants: Exports all descendants of the given path, including the leaf node of the path.

For example, given the following path:

and your path is

If the rdf:resource parameter is Node, server group node B is exported. If the rdf:resource parameter is Path, server group nodes A and B are exported. If the rdf:resource parameter is Descendants, server group nodes B, C and D are exported.

customerName (optional)

This optional element restricts the export of attached server group nodes so that only those attached nodes owned by this customer get exported.

The customerName element does not affect the export of nodes referenced by dynamic server group rules.

  • Core specific information such as group membership and “Date last used", or History properties, are not exported.
  • Static groups can also be exported; however, only the name and description of the group are exported.
  • If a dynamic group rule references a custom field, the custom field schema will only export the individual custom field, not the whole schema.
  • The path defines whether a group is public or private. So all public groups can be exported by specifying a path of
    /Group/Public (and Descendants directive).
  • Private groups cannot be exported, so a path of /Group/Private will result in an error during export.
  • It is possible for an imported dynamic server group to not have any rules. This can happen if the source group only had rules like “Facility is C07" or “Realm is Sat02". Since Facility and Realm are core specific, these rules are not exported.
  • Also, any rules that reference Server IDs will not be exported. For example rules like “Server ID equals 55500001" will not be exported.
  • All attached software policies are exported.

Server group export filter example

Export all public server groups from a mesh:

<ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportPubServGroups">
   <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>

Export the public server group named “NT Servers" including all sub groups that belong to it:

<ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportNTServGroups">
   <path>/Group/Public/NT Servers</path>
   <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>

Export only the public server group named “Production Web Servers" (but none of its subgroups):

<ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportProdWebServGroups">
   <path>/Group/Public/Production Web Servers</path>
   <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Node"/>

Export the public group named “Production Web Servers" and its subgroup named “iPlanet", but no other subgroups.

<ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportProdWebServGroupsIP">
   <path>/Group/Public/Production Web Servers/iPlanet</path>
   <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Path"/>

Service level export filter

The service level export filter tells DET what service level nodes to export.

Service level export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Service level export filter nested elements



path (required)

An absolute path from the top level node to the node to be exported. The path separator is “/".

directive (required)

An empty content element with a single rdf:resource parameter. The parameter refers to one of three constants:

  • Descendants: Export all descendants of the given path including the leaf of the path.
  • Node: Only export the given node.
  • Path: Export all nodes along the path and no other nodes.

For example, given the following path:

/Service Level/A/B/C/D
and your path is
/Service Level/A/B

If the rdf:resource parameter is Node, node B is exported.

If the rdf:resource parameter is Path, nodes A and B are exported.

If the rdf:resource parameter is Descendants, nodes B, C and D are exported.

customerName (optional)

This optional element restricts the export to nodes owned by this customer at or below the specified path. If the node specified by the path is not owned by the specified customer, nothing is exported and a warning is logged.

For examples of how this element works in a filter file, see customerName element examples.

Service level export examples

Export the /Service Level/Foo node only.

<ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="exportServLevfoo">
  <path>/Service Level/Foo</path>
  <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Node"/>

Export Bar and Baz nodes along the given path. Note that the stack root is not exported.

<ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="exportServLevBarBaz">
  <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Path"/>

Export the Gold Service Level node and all of its descendants, including the leaf node.

<ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="exportServLevGold">
  <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>

Snapshot filter

The snapshot filter tells DET which snapshot you want to export from an SA core/mesh so that you can then import it into another SA core/mesh.

Snapshot filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Snapshot filter nested elements




The ID of the snapshot to export. Snapshot names are not unique such that an ID must be given instead. The ID is shown in the user interface by opening up the Snapshot browser, where it is displayed on the first screen.


<UserGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportAllUserGroups"/>

Export the group named “SuperUsers":

<UserGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportUserGroups">

Template export filter

The template export filter tells DET what template nodes to export.

Template export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format
rdf:ID=“unique name".

Template export filter nested elements



path (required)

An absolute path from the top level node to the node to be exported. The path separator is “/".

directive (required)

An empty content element with a single rdf:resource parameter. The parameter refers to one of three constants:

  • Descendants - export all descendants of the given path including the leaf of the path.
  • Node - only export the given node.
  • Path - export all node along the path and no other nodes.

For example, given the following path:

and your path is

If the rdf:resource parameter is Node, node B is exported.

If the rdf:resource parameter is Path, nodes A and B are exported.

If the rdf:resource parameter is Descendants, nodes B, C, and D are exported.

customerName (optional)

This optional element restricts the export to nodes owned by this customer at or below the specified path. If the node specified by the path is not owned by the specified customer, nothing is exported and a warning is logged.

For examples of how this element works in a filter file, see customerName element examples.

Template export filter examples

Export the /Templates/Foo node only.

<TemplateFilter rdf:ID="exportTemplatesfoo">
  <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Node"/>

Export Bar and Baz nodes along the given path. Note that the stack root is not exported.

<TemplateFilter rdf:ID="exportTemplatesBarBaz">
  <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Path"/>

Export the Alpha Template node and all of its descendants, including the leaf node.

<TemplateFilter rdf:ID="exportTemplatesAlpha">
  <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>


User Group export filter

The User Group export filter tells DET what user groups to export. A user group export includes the following information for each user group:

  • Name
  • Description
  • The read, read & write, none or yes/no state of each action permission in the Action Permission view of the SA client Administration User Groups view
  • The read, read & write, none state of each customer and device group in the Resource Permission View

User Groups export filter parameters




Each filter has a unique name that is specified in the filter file using the format rdf:ID=“unique name"

User Groups export filter nested elements



groupName (optional)

An optional element that allows you to export specific user groups by name. If groupName is not specified, then all user groups will be exported.

  • The membership of users and facility permissions (as seen in the Users and Facilities tabs) are not exported.
  • The Customers and Device Groups tabs currently list all customers and server groups respectively to allow the read, read & write, none state to be set. Only customers and device groups that are configured with read or read & write will be exported.

User Group export filter examples

Export all user groups from a mesh.

<UserGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportAllUserGroups"/>

Export the group named “SuperUsers":

<UserGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportUserGroups">

Export three user groups with the names “AdvancedUsers," “OpswareAdministrators," and “BasicUsers":

UserGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportAdvUsersGroup">
<UserGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportOpsUsersGroup">
<UserGroupFilter rdf:ID="exportBasicUsersGroup">

customerName element examples

These examples illustrate how the customerName element works for the Application, Service Level, Template, and Server Group export filters.

This section contains two topics:

customerName Examples for Applications, Service Levels, Templates

Given this node hierarchy:

   Service Levels (owned by Customer Independent)
         A (Customer Independent)
              B (Customer Independent)
              C (Nike & Adidas)
                   D (Nike)

  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then A, B, C, and D will be exported. In other words, the service levels of all customers.

      <ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="a1">
      <path>/Service Level/A</path>
      <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>

  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then A and B will be exported. C and D will be skipped

        ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="a1">
      <path>/Service Level/A</path>
      <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>
      <customerName>Customer Independent</customerName>

  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then C and D will be exported.
    <ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="a1">
        <path>/Service Level/A/C</path>
        <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>
  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then only C will be exported. D will be skipped because it is not owned by Adidas.
    <ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="a1">
        <path>/Service Level/A/C</path>
        <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>
  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then nothing will be exported:
    <ServiceLevelFilter rdf:ID="a1">
      <path>/Service Level/A</path>
      <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Descendants"/>

customerName examples for server groups

The examples illustrate how the customerName Element works for the Server Group filter.

For example, if your core had this server group hierarchy:

Server Groups
			+ 	/Application Servers/A (owned by Customer Independent)
				+ /System Utilities/B (Nike)
				+ /Web Servers/C (Adidas)
  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then SG1, A, B, and C will be exported.
    <ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="a1">
        <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Node"/>
  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then SG1 and A will be exported.
    <ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="a1">
        <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Node"/>
        customerName>Customer Independent</customerName>
  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then SG1 and B will be exported.
    <ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="a1">
        <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Node"/>
  • If your file specifies the following filter definition, then server group SG1 will be exported.
    <ServerGroupFilter rdf:ID="a1">
        <directive rdf:resource="&filter;Node"/>