Frequently asked questions

The importer fails with SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED

One of the most common issues when importing Red Hat packages through Red Hat Importer tool is the:

Unexpected error: URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590)

This error means that the importer could not validate the server certificate during SSL handshake. Most probably because the CA certificate of the Red Hat server from where packages are imported is not imported in the SA trusted store. If you are importing from RHSM or from a Red Hat Satellite make sure you import the certificate from or from your satellite using the steps provided in Installing Red Hat CA certificates.

Configuration file error: Invalid option [main] 'package_path'

The most likely cause for this error is an invalid structure in the configuration file. In this particular case the [RHN] section was removed from the config, and all of its properties are now children of [main] section. But [main] section can only have a predefined set of attributes. In this case the fix is to add back the [RHN] section in the config. A second solution is to make sure that when you removed the [RHN] label, all of its children are either commented or removed from the configuration file.

As a general rule, don’t remove and don’t comment the [main], [RHN] and [RHSM] sections tag. If you don’t want to import content from [RHN] you can set the channels property to an empty value. If you still insist to remove/comment a particular section please make sure the member properties are also commented out. Also please note that the [main] section can’t be removed otherwise the importer will fail if the section is not found in the configuration file

Import fails with: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

If the import fails with a trace like the one below most probably your entitlement certificate is expired.


Unexpected error: HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Please read the Entitlement certificates chapter to find out more details on how you can get an up to date entitlement certificate.

Unable to process content label. No platform could be associated with this label.

As the error suggests it means that redhat_import tool could not associate the CDN content for the label to a specific HPE SA supported platform.

Internally we have some default labels like rhel-7-server-rpms{7Server-x86_64} that have an HPE SA platform associated. But most of them don’t have.

In this case all you need to do is edit the redhat_import.conf file, go to the bottom and configure the platform. For example if the original error is:

Unable to process content label rhel-7-server-rpms{7.2-x86_64}. No platform could be associated with this label. This content label will be dropped. If you need to import this content, add the 'platform' option to the configuration file.

The fix in the config file should be:


platform=Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 X86_64

The --show_labels option does not list all content labels from entitlement

The --show_labels lists an intersection of labels configured in redhat_import.conf and the labels found in entitlement. The option will render only labels that have an HPE SA Red Hat platform associated in the redhat_import.conf (or /etc/opt/opsware/rhn_import/content_labels.json) and only if they exist in the entitlement file.

For example, if you have the following three labels in the entitlement:

1. rhel-5-server-rpms

2. rhel-7-server-debug-rpms

3. rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

And in the redhat_import.conf file you only have the rhel-7-server-optional-rpms{7Server-x86_64} content label associated with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 X86_64 platform, then --show_labels will only list two labels: rhel-5-server-rpms and rhel-7-server-optional-rpms. Why? Because the first is configured by default in /etc/opt/opsware/rhn_import/content_labels.json while the second one is configured in the redhat_import.conf file.

Please note that /etc/opt/opsware/rhn_import/content_labels.json contains the default configured labels by HPE SA and it should not be modified.