Use > Server patching > Patch management for HP-UX > HP-UX software catalog file

HP-UX software catalog file

The HP-UX Software Catalog file is the HP-UX Patch Database in XML format. The catalog file is swa_catalog.xml and can be downloaded from

The HP-UX Metadata script is used to import the HP-UX Software Catalog file into the SA Library. This script can list dependent patches for any patch that exists in the software catalog file and indicate the dependent patches that are missing in the package repository.

The HP-UX Metadata script is located in the following directory:


Options of the HP-UX Metadata Script describes the script’s options.

Options of the HP-UX Metadata Script




Specifies the HP-UX patches that will be analyzed for any dependent patches missing in the package repository. Multiple HP-UX patches can be specified by separating them with a comma (,). To analyze all HP-UX patches in the package repository, include the keyword all.


Specifies the source location of the HP-UX software catalog file. The swa_catalog.xml catalog file can be downloaded from This option does not apply when the user ID and password are specified.


Specifies HP-UX patches for which the dependencies should be displayed. To display the dependencies for all patches in the software catalog file, include the keyword all.

-f, --force

Forces catatlog upload. If catalog upload is specified, either through the -u and -p options or the -c option, this option ensures that a new catalog will be uploaded even if checksum matches current catalog.

-h, --help

Displays the help message.

-n, --no_supersedence

Flag is used with the -a option indicating whether to use the superseded dependence tree or the basic dependence tree for reporting missing patches. The superseded dependence tree is the default behavior for HP-UX patching. It performs the most recent dependency check. The basic dependency tree performs the least recent dependence check.

-p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD

The password that is required to access the website to automatically download the swa_catalog.xml file. Both user ID and password must be specified.


Test mode option. Options are 'bundle', 'product' and ‘all’.

-u USERID, --user=USERID

The user ID that is required to access the website to automatically download the swa_catalog.xml file. Both user ID and password must be specified.


Specifies the number of seconds to wait between file uploads and subsequent updates when the catalog upload is specified. If 'optimistic concurrency' failures occur, this value may need to be increased.