Use > Server patching > Patch management for Solaris > Patch management tasks > Initializing the Solaris patch database

Initializing the Solaris patch database

Before you download patches and patch data from Oracle, you must set up and initialize the Solaris patch database in SA.

To set up and initialize the Solaris patch database:

  1. Create a configuration file that specifies information needed by the solpatch_import command.

    The default location for this file is /etc/opt/opsware/solpatch_import/solpatch_import.conf.

    If you do not use the default location, you must use the -c or --conf option. If you use the default location, you do not need the -c or --conf option.

    For details on the contents of this configuration file, see the solpatch_import man page by running solpatch_import --manual. The following example shows partial contents of a configuration file.

    hpsa_user=<SA user name>
    hpsa_pass=<SA user password>
    download_user=<My Oracle account user name>
    download_pass=<My Oracle account password>

  2. Run the following command to initialize SA for Solaris patch information:

    solpatch_import -a create_db

  3. This command downloads the patchdiag.xref file from Oracle (or you can specify a local copy of this file if you previously downloaded it), examines the patch information and places the data in SA.

You only need to use the -a create_db option once to initialize the Solaris patch information in SA.

  1. Make sure your Solaris patch database contains the latest patch information. See Maintaining the Solaris patch database.