Use > Server patching > Patch management for Windows > Patch locales > Locale configuration tasks

Locale configuration tasks

By default, Windows patch management supports only the English locale.

Configuring the SA Core for non-English locales

This task requires root access to core servers and a restart of the SA Client.

To configure the core for non-English locales, complete the following steps on each core server that is running the SA Client:

  1. Log on to the server as root.

  2. In /etc/opt/opsware/occ/, change the line for




  3. Restart the SA Client on the core:

    /etc/init.d/opsware-sas restart occ.server

  4. In a text editor, open the following file:


  5. For the Japanese language, in the <resources> section of the jnlp.tmpl file, add the following XML element:

    <property name="com.opsware.ngui.font.japanese" value="Arial Unicode MS"/>

  6. For the Korean language, in the <resources> section of the jnlp.tmpl file, add the following XML element:

    <property name="com.opsware.ngui.font.korean" value="Arial Unicode MS"/>

  7. In the /opt/opsware/occclient directory, if the following files exist, delete them:

    • $HOST_ja.jnlp
    • $IP_ja.jnlp
    • $HOST_ko.jnlp
    • $IP_ko.jnlp
  8. Complete the steps in Selecting the locales of patches to import.

    Selecting the locales of patches to import

    Complete the instructions in Configuring the SA Core for non-English locales before performing the steps in this section.

    This operation selects the locales of the Windows patches to import into HPE Server Automation. The selections take effect the next time patches are imported into SA. After the patches have been imported, they can be installed on managed servers. If you remove locales from the list with this operation, patches with those locales that have already been imported are not removed from SA.

    To select the locales of the Windows patches to import into SA:

    1. In the navigation pane, select Administration.
    2. Select Patch Settings.
    3. In the Microsoft tab, select Patch Locales.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. In the Edit Patch Locales window, use the include (+) and exclude (-) arrows to select the locales whose patches you want to import.
    6. If you want to select a locale that is not listed in Supported locales, contact Support.
    7. Click OK to save your settings.
    8. Complete the steps in End user requirements for non-English locales.

    End user requirements for non-English locales

    To view non-English fonts in the SA Client:

    Verify that the Windows desktop running the SA Client uses the Arial Unicode MS font.

    After the system administrator performs the steps in Configuring the SA Core for non-English locales, the end user logs on to the SA Client and selects their “Logged in as” link in the upper right corner of the SA Client window. This displays the User window. Select the Properties view.

    On the User Properties view, the end user updates the Locale field in the User Preferences section. For example, if the system administrator configured the core for Japanese, then the end user sets the Locale field to Japanese.