Use > Server patching > Patch management for Windows > Patch management tasks > Patch dependencies and supersedence

Patch dependencies and supersedence

Patch metadata identifies all known dependency and supersedence relationships between patches and Windows products, and between patches and other patches.

In HPE Server Automation:

  • Dependency relationships identify Windows products that must already exist on a server before you can install a certain patch.
  • Supersedence relationships identify patches that supersede or are superseded by other patches. In Windows Patch Management, supersedes means that one patch replaces another and superseded by means that the patch you are installing is replaced by another patch.

In HPE Server Automation, Windows patch management does not detect whether two patches are mutually exclusive—which is when either one can be installed but not both. Subsequently, Patch Management does not prevent you from installing both patches on a server. This means that you may be able to install both a superseded patch and a superseding patch on a server.