Use > Server patching > Patch management for Windows > Patch management process

Patch management process

The Windows patching process consists of the following phases:

  • Setup: This phase includes getting the Microsoft database (patches and metadata) into Server Automation, identifying products you want to track patches for, and configuring patch compliance.
  • Policy Managementt: This phase includes investigating released patches, creating and updating patch policies or exceptions, marking patches available to use, and attaching policies or exceptions to servers or groups of servers.
  • Patch Compliance: This phase includes running compliance scans to determine whether a server is out of compliance, remediating policies, setting up installation options, and installing applicable patches.
  • Deployment: To deploy patches on demand, you can import the required patches, test them, update policies, create new policies, mark them as available to use, specify install options, and install the required patches. The following figures illustrate these phases and their required steps.

Windows patching process: Part A and Part B

Windows patching process: Part C and Part D