Rebooting Options

When you remediate a Solaris server against a Solaris patch policy, SA installs the patches and uses the reboot settings specified for each patch. However, you can override these settings when starting the remediate job. The following figure shows the Options settings for the Remediate patch policy job.

Rebooting Options

The following options in the Remediate wizard determine whether the servers are rebooted after the patch is installed. These options apply only to the job launched by the Remediate window. They do not change the Reboot Required option, which is in the Install Parameters tab of the Patch Properties window. Except for the first option, the following options override the Reboot Required option.

  • Reboot servers as specified by individual software items (Default): By default, the decision to reboot depends on the Reboot Required option of the patch or package properties.
  • Reboot servers after each installation or uninstallation: As a best practice, reboot the server after every patch or package installation or uninstallation, regardless of the vendor reboot setting on the individual patch or package.
  • Hold all server reboots until all actions are complete: If the Reboot Required option is set for some selected patches but not for others, the server is rebooted one time after all patches are installed. If the Reboot Required option is not set for any of the selected patches, the server is not rebooted.
  • Suppress all server reboots: Even if the Reboot Required option of the patch properties is set, do not reboot the server. (Because of vendor settings, some patches ignore the suppress option and force a reboot.

Remediating and Installing Software